100 % Eco Friendly Birds Nest
by JaZmInE Works in Outside > Backyard
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100 % Eco Friendly Birds Nest

Hi Friends today am going to show you how to make 100% Eco friendly birds nest.
As this is summer time we can help those small birds by providing a space for building its nest with natural materials.
Before that we need to keep few points in mind.
1, Don't use glue or Feavicol to make birds nest. Few birds wont like it.
2, Hang the nest in a tree, not very lower or not very higher, you can hang in balcony.
3, You should prepare a nest box in such a way that Birds should feel safe.
Items Required

1, Center spine sticks of palm leaf. refer image 1, 2, 3
2, Cutter
3, Knife
4, Thread
5, needle
6, Coconut coir
7, Banana Fiber
Prepare Skeleton With Palm Stick

1, I have took the palm stick as it is flexible and can easily shaped to any form. you can use weld mesh or iron wires for making skeleton.
2, take the palm stick and make it as circle and secure the ends by tying a knot. Refer image 1.
3, Try to add additional 5 to 6 sticks on the same circle to make and wrap it to form a circle shape. Refer image 2
4, Now refer image 3 you can see that i have tied a stick to look like semi circle and attached that to the main circle.
5, Refer image 4, 5, 6, 7. Add Sticks one by one and secure the ends with knot using thread.
6, Once you added sticks it will look like image 8 and 9.
Complete the Full Circle

1, So you would have finished the half of the circular skeleton, now we need to complete the other half of the circle.
2, Try to bend the extending sticks in semi circle and tie the ends with the opposite side of the Circle. Refer Image 1, 2, 3
3, Follow the same method and bend all extending sticks and tie it with semi circle once its tied it will look like a skeleton stick ball. Refer image 4 to 9
Add a Wooden Bark at Top and Wrap the Coir

1, To hang this nest we need attach a wooden stick on to this skeleton circle.
2, Just insert the Stick inside the circle at top, Secure the stick with Skeleton circle with Thread. Refer image 1, 2
3.Now just spread the Coir fibers on floor evenly and place the skeleton circle on middle of Coir. Refer image 3 and 4
4, Wrap the coir fiber to cover the whole circle ( save space of the entry point for birds ) Leave Just one rectangle. Refer image 5 and 6.
Secure the Coir by Tying a Banana Fiber Thread.

1, Once wrapping a Coir start securing the coir by tying a banana fiber Rope. Refer image 1,2.
Coconut coir are very natural Fibers that can sustain heat and keep moist and cool. Banana fibers are strong enough when its wet so before using just wet the banana fibers.
Shape the Entry Point of Nest.

1, We can see the entry point with lot of fibers so we need to fix it by using a needle.
2, Thread a needle with banana fiber, start tying a end of rope to the nest and start securing the fibers which are popping out at entry point. Refer image 2, 3, 4, 5.
Final Product

This is how it looks when all Tying, Wrapping has finished.
I just hanged this nest on my Guava tree because most of the birds came over here for fruits and it might get tempted to occupy this nest.
I have also made other nests in past, attaching the link here.