1:32 Scale Model of the NOVA-C Lander
by Kmobrain in Workshop > 3D Printing
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1:32 Scale Model of the NOVA-C Lander

Here's a guide to printing my first model of lander the Nova-c.
In this guide you will be guided through the correct positioning of the parts on the board, the settings in the Slicer and the assembly of the model.

- 3D Printer
- 3D Slicer
- Glue
- Cutter
- White Filament (5m-15g)
- Black Filament (16m-47g)
- Copper Filament (6m-17g)
- Metal Filament (6m-18g)
- Gold Filament (1,5m-4g)
Fichier 3D
- 3D files of my NOVA-C model available on Printables.
The Slice

I've divided the slice steps into 'blocks', but you can do the slice in any order you like.
In each slice step you'll find a table with my advice on a number of parameters.
- The Supports will be in green in the slicer images, and I'll also put a note in the image.
- The Rafts, Brim and HelpDisk will be selected according to your usual settings in case your parts come unstuck.
- The Top Fill pattern is for a prettier result, but you can choose whatever you like.
- Temperature and Speed can be modified for certain parts, but your usual settings may also be valid.
- Thin walls can be activated on certain parts, but as with temperature and speed, your usual settings may also be valid.
- Wall Generator can use classic or Arachne mode for certain parts.
There's also a picture for the ideal placement of each piece. I only placed one piece of each, but it can be repeated for the quantity requested.
I also added annotations to some of the images.
For this model you can print it in a 0.2mm layer with a 0.4mm nozzle, but I advise you to print in a 0.16mm layer with a 0.4mm nozzle for a better finish.
For "Jonction" parts, I advise you to print as tightly as possible, adding 1% by 1% to the scale to ensure perfect assembly.
Slice - Structure

You need to place supports in every space reserved for cables, boxes and tanks.
Same thing on this part (⚠️ don't forget the bottom), no need to put a support in the small holes at the top and in the holes that are not at 90°.
No particular advice for this piece, if you need you can add a skirt.
For the feet, I suggest you print it flat with a skirt. I didn't need any support during my tests, but you can add some if necessary.
Slice - Engine

Print with a skirt, but print without possible.
Need support on the bottom of the part.
No special settings are required, but don't forget to use the +/-1% setting for more precise assembly.
Slice - Helium Tank

Print with a skirt, but print without possible.
I printed them right to have a better finish, with supports and a skirt if needed.
Slice - Side White

For all cables, you can use the same settings. I advise you not to use a skirt (the parts are very fragile, removing them could cause breakage).
Slice - Side Copper

Copper - Side
No particular adjustment, if you have adhesion problems I recommend a raft rather than a skirt. Try to put the pieces in the same direction as in the picture for a better finish.
Absorber Copper
No particular adjustment, if you have adhesion problems I recommend a raft rather than a skirt.
Slice - Side Metal

Side - Metal 1
No particular adjustment, if you have adhesion problems I recommend a raft rather than a skirt. Try to put the pieces in the same direction as in the picture for a better finish.
Side - Metal 2
Print with a skirt, but print without possible. Try to put the pieces in the same direction as in the picture for a better finish.
No particular adjustment.
Slice- Side Black

No special advice, use supports for the "T_Solarpanel_Black_x1" part.
For solar panels, you can change the color to have the base in copper and the "little squares" of the solar cells in black or dark blue.
No particular adjustment.
I advise you to print them on the back with an addition of support on the bottom to have a better insertion in the piece "Structure_White_x1".
Slice - Stand

There is no specific advice for stand printing.
there are two possible choices for printing the name plate, Multipart or AMS/MMU/M600.
- Name Plate (Multi part)
No particular adjustment, if you have adhesion problems I recommend a raft rather than a skirt.
Add support for printing "Nameplate_x1".
- Name Plate (AMS/MMU/M600)
Add support for printing "Nameplate_x1".

Once the supports have been removed, you can begin assembly.
The assembly steps will also be divided by 'blocks', this time I advise you to follow the direction of the guide.
At the bottom right of each image there will be a step code, the letter for the Block and the number for the step, for example A1 for step 1 of Block A.
In the next photos, the pink areas will show the requested position of the parts.

For the first step, you need to assemble the stand, as it needs to be ready for a later step.
If you have chosen the multipart nameplate, you must paste the White_Letters into the Black_Nameplate.
Glue the Moon_Base into the Stand_Black.
Then paste the Nameplate onto Stand_Black.

The structure's assembly is simple
ES - Structure
First glue Structure_White to Structure_Black.
Then glue the Structure_Gold into the Structure_Black.
ES - Engine
First glue the Engine_Junction to the Heat_Shield_Metal.
Then glue the Engine_Black into the hole provided in the Heat_Shield_Metal.
ES - Assemblage
Then glue the "Engine " assembly into the "Structure" assembly.
Side - First Part

In this step you will assemble the solar side panels and absorbers.
Glue the BL_Solarpanel_Black and F_Solarpanel_Black solar panels into the assembly (⚠️ are not the same) (⚠️ position BL_Solarpanel_Black as far to the left as possible to leave space on the right for a cable).
Glue all the Absorber_Copper into the assembly (⚠️attention with the rounded side facing outwards).
Side - Cable

In this step you will assemble all the cables. This is the same advice for all cables.
Glue all Cable_White in the assembly (⚠️attention with the rounded side facing outwards).I'd advise you to press down on the pieces to make sure they're inserted as far as possible.
Side - Small Part

In this step, you'll assemble the small side pieces.
Glue the FR_NDL_Copper and FR_Lunagram_Grey parts into the assembly.
Glue RB_Box_1_Copper, RB_Box_2_Copper and RB_Box_3_Copper into the assembly.
Glue the B_Box_Copper, B_Box_1_Metal and B_Box_2_Metal parts into the assembly.
Glue the LF_Box_Metal, LF_LN-1_Metal and LF_RFMG_Metal parts into the assembly.
Glue the T_Box_Copper piece to the top of the assembly.
Side - Medium Part

In this step, you'll assemble the medium side pieces.
Glue the Navigation_Pod_Metal parts on each side of the assembly.
Glue the FR_EagleCam_Metal camera into the assembly.
Glue the ROLSES experiment pieces LF_ROLSES_Antenna_Metal and LF_ROLSES_Panel_Metal into the assembly.(⚠️ For LF_ROLSES_Panel_Metal, I'd advise you to put a small amount of glue in the green slot to keep the piece straight).
Side - Big Part

I advise you to wait a few minutes for the glue on the previous pieces to dry.
In this step, you'll glue the big pieces on the sides.
Glue the two Shelf_Metal experience racks on either side of the assembly.
Then glue the RB_Shelf_Black experience rack into the assembly.
Glue Helium_Tank_Copper helium tanks to each side of the assembly.
Then glue the Support_Tank_Black tank brackets to each side of the assembly (⚠️ I advise you to hold the parts in place while adjusting the sides of the tanks, the objective being to place the support in the middle (in pink on the image) of the tanks).

In this step, you'll assemble the legs of the lander.
( ⚠️ Warning: in this step you'll be using the stand assembled in step 11).
First place glue in the holes provided for the feet, then add the Legs_Metal one by one to the assembly.
Once all the legs have been assembled, quickly place the assembly in the stand to constrain the legs in their definitive position.

Pour la fin de l'assemblage laisser l'attériseur dans son stand le temps que la colle sèche.
Dans cette étape vous allez faire l'assemblage du haut.
Coller les RCS T_RCS_Black dans les emplacement prévu sur le dessus de l'assemblage. Maintenez quelque seconde dans cette position.
Coller le support T_Solarpanel_Support_Metal dans le panneau solaire T_Solarpanel_Black.
Coller l'assemblage complet du panneau solaire dans les emplacement prévu sur le dessus de l'assemblage.

Congratulations on finishing the assembly of my first hitch model, the NOVA-C.
Please post your review on printable.
Thank you for downloading my model !
Follow me to be notified of next models : https://linktr.ee/kmobrain