1KM Range Remote Controlled Car

by Chihab in Circuits > Arduino

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1KM Range Remote Controlled Car


Since I was little kid I was amazed by the remote Controlled Cars but their range never exceeded 10 meters. After I learned some Arduino programming I finally decided to build my own Remote Controlled Car that can go up to 1KM range using the nRF24L01+ module.

My main goal was to make a car that have a high range with a long play time. To achieve this goal I made the car as light as possible using lightweight chassis and using lightweight Lithium-ion batteries that have good capacity (3000mAh). I struggled a lot to get the 1KM range out of the nRF24L01+ because I faced many problems during the build. But after all, it was really fun to build and I am really happy with the result.

Let's get started !!

Order Your Components!


In order to make the Remote Controlled Car, you will need :

  • 1x Arduino Mega2560
  • 1x Arduino Nano
  • 1x Adafruit Motor Shield
  • 2x nRF24L01+
  • 4x Motor + Gearbox
  • 4x Wheels
  • 2x 3.3V Voltage Regulator (LM1117)
  • 5x Push Buttons
  • 2x 10 µF Capacitor
  • 3x Lithium-ion Battery (In order to make a 12V battery pack)
  • 9V Battery
  • 2x 100 nF Capacitor
  • Female Headers
  • Jumper Wires

Print the Chassis


I designed this chassis using a CAD software, then I printed it using a CNC Machine. The material used for this body is PVC with a thickness of 5mm. The PVC is a good material to use because it's easy to work with (as you can see on the picture I bended some parts of the body by applying some heat), relatively cheap, strong enough to support the weight of the components and it's also very light.


Why Use a Motor Shield ?


You must know that any power coming through the Arduino pins has likely gone through the on-board voltage regulator on the board. The voltage regulator is not designed to handle large amounts of current. And if your board is being powered through USB, USB isn't designed to provide large amounts of current. Finding another way to power a motor where the current does not flow through the on-board regulator will reduce the amount of heat generated and save board power for any other sensors or controls that might be necessary.

Another advantage of a motor shield is that it make it much easier to interface with component like motors, and it simplifies the wiring and allowing features like motor direction reversal.

Make Your Remote!

nRF24L01+ Car Transmitter_bb.jpg

As you can see there is 8 push buttons on the remote but right now I am using only 5 buttons (1 button for each direction + 1 button to change the driving speed).

Here you can find the schematic that I created for the transmitter :

  • nRF24L01+ :
    • CE Connect to the Arduino D7
    • CS Connect to the Arduino D8
    • MOSI Connect to the Arduino D11
    • MISO Connect to the Arduino D12
    • SCK Connect to the Arduino D13
    • GND Connect to Arduino GND
    • 3.3V Connect to LM1117 OUT
    • Connect the capacitors according to the schematic
  • Arduino :
    • VIN Connect to 9V of the battery
    • GND Connect to GND of the battery
    • Connect all the push buttons according to the schematic
  • LM1117 :
    • IN Connect to Arduino 5V
    • GND Connect to Arduino GND

After making all the required connections, you will need to upload the code below, but before that make sure to download and include the RF24 Library

Wire Up the Electronics and Upload the Code!

nRF24L01+ Car_bb.jpg

Here you can find the schematic that I created for the receiver:

  • nRF24L01+ :
    • CE Connect to the Arduino A8
    • CS Connect to the Arduino A9
    • MOSI Connect to the Arduino D51
    • MISO Connect to the Arduino D50
    • SCK Connect to the Arduino D52
    • GND Connect to the Arduino GND
    • 3.3V Connect to the LM1117 OUT
    • Connect the capacitors according to the schematic
  • Adafruit Motor Shield :
    • M1 Connect to the Front Right Motor
    • M2 Connect to the Front Left Motor
    • M3 Connect to the Left Back Motor
    • M4 Connect to the Right Back Motor
    • M+ Connect to the 12V Battery
    • GND Connect to GND of the Battery
  • LM1117 :
    • IN Connect to the Arduino 5V
    • GND Connect to the Arduino GND

After making all the required connections, you will need to upload the code below, but before that make sure to download and include the RF24 Library and the AFMotor Library

Future Improvements


Congratulation, you have build a fully radio-controlled car that can be controlled up to 1KM Range!

As I said earlier, I am very happy with the result but I know that there is always some improvements to make the car better. The only improvement that I have in mind right now is changing the motors that I have with faster ones because the car is not fast enough for me. I am also planning to make a suspension system, to let the car go off-road.

If you have any improvements that I could make, please let me know in the comments.

If you face any problem during the build, fell free to comment down below.

I hope you enjoyed this instructable, thanks for reading! :-)