21 Mind Relaxing Zentangle Patterns, How to Draw Tutorial

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21 Mind Relaxing Zentangle Patterns, How to Draw Tutorial

21 Mind Relaxing Zentangle Patterns, How To Draw Tutorial

Well this a Mind Relaxing Zentangle Patterns in a Triangle, this is just with some random imagination and getting it done with time and finally loving the art piece.

I am a hobby artist who loves to make - Doodle, Zentangle, Mandala, Graffiti, Canvas Art

Follow my YouTube channel for more such videos: sarabjeetworld

My Art Instagram: sarabjeet_world

My Personal Instagram: Sarabjeetworld


Well for this project, I used

1- Standard drawing file

2- Micron markers

3- Artline Markers

4- Black sketch pens

5- Scale

6- Graphite pencil.

Lets Begin


In this step, I made a Triangle as your can see in the image.

You can make it of any size as per your drawing file.

Drawing the Blueprint


Inside the triangle start drawing a straight line from any one point of the the triangle but ending a little higher on the other hand as shown in the picture.

the second line starting point will be the ending point of the previous line.

Rough Is Done


Repeating to what is being explained in step 2, in the end you will get the end less paradox type design inside the triangle.

Rough to Fair


Its time to fair the rough design, by using a micron pen and doing it fair and rub the pencil design.



To start of just make a small circle design on the boundary of the triangle on all 3 sides.

Lets Start


Now its the the time to start covering the triangle by making the Zentangle patterns.

In this we did the zigzag straight lines patterns in which we make 7-8 close thin lines and then change the angle and keep on continuing till the end, e will move design from broad to thin side of the triangle.

In the second, we will cut the area in circular shape partitions after every regular intervals and then covering the alternate in black color.

Spiral in This


In this pattern, its from the thin to broad side of the triangle.

giving a spiral pattern on the both sides alternatively, and the coloring it black from behind as shown in the image

L Shape Design


this one is fairly easy pattern,

just separate the area with regular vertical partitions, and then making a L shape design in every partition and covering the upper area with all black color.

Circular Motions


Start making circles depending on the area size and goes all the way to the bottom with smaller circles.

leave the circles and cover rest of the area with black color.

Circular Spiral


this pattern is actually one of my favorite ones

just need to makes circular patterns from small to broad side of the triangle, connecting one after the other.

In every portion leave a smaller line similar to the bigger one, and then cover rest of the portion with black color.

Long Area to Cover


start making circular portions segregated at equal intervals.

Just make the edges round from both sides.

Half Way Through


Make circles of various sizes depending upon the space, leaving circles color rest of the area black.

ZigZag This Time


make a zig zag line from broad side to the thin side.

The triangles formed because of the zigzag line, make a smaller triangle in each side, start coloring all the triangles one by one.

Circular Sprial


the easiest one out of all, we just need to make a circular spiral of different size.

Wavy Lines and Semi Circle


Just ahead of the design done in step 14, we will make wavy lines with their tip ending with a black small dot like design.

on the right of it, making circular partitions and covering with smaller lines in circular motions.

Chess Board Pattern


Start doing a horizontal vertical lines pattern in the area. make a black dot on the intersection area where the lines are interseting.

Thick ZigZag


the 2 Patterns covered in this, In one you just need to make sea shell likes design, smaller circles connecting one with the other like a chain.

In the other design, I separated the area with few thick vertical lines and then joining the borders with thick line from both sides alternatively giving a spiral effect.

Road Like Design


In this divide the portion again with a circular motion partitions.

Cover alternate portions with black color while the remaining one give a dotted line effect.

Spiral Paradox


In this, divide the area into smaller square area and the in each make the spiral like design like we made this in the Triangle in step 3. just a change it was in triangle in this we will make it in square.

And We Are Done...


And we are done with the patterns in the triangle. Hope you liked it.