28Cc Razor Scooter

Weed eater/string trimmer
Razor electric scooter
Piece of scrap angle iron
Various nuts and bolts
Small piece of key stock
A 1/4 socket you don’t mind sacrificing
Optional: spare carburetor, small metal tube, small 2in piece of metal plate
The Scooter
The String Trimmer

Clutch and Sprocket

Mounting and Chain

For the mount I drilled two holes for the motor in a piece of scrap angle iron then bolted it to the engine. I then put the clutch assembly back on to eyeball the final mounting positions. I drilled one final hole when I found my position and bolted the piece of metal to the scooter frame where the back wheel cover would mount. This served as an alright mount as I could still flex it enough to align the chain. I HIGHLY recommend reinforcing it after you get the chain on
Final Touches and Optional Exhaust Rerouting

I needed to mount the fuel tank to the scooter I used the wheel cover mount on the opposite side of the engine and bent it 90 degrees to bolt to the center hole of my gas tank. As I was mounting the engine I realized the exhaust was going to blow right on the riders legs. I found out the old carburetor has the same hole pattern as the exhaust side of the engine too. I took the old carburetor apart and discovered it had a hole that would face downwards so I used the rest of the jb weld I didn’t use on the clutch to add a bent piece of scrap pipe as a side exit exhaust.