2x4 Challenge

● 1x 2x4
● 8x Screws
● Pink Paint
● 200 Grit sandpaper
● 100 Grit Sandpaper

● Cut your board in half using the miter saw
○ With your first half, measure out 2x 1.5 ft on each end and cut those out using the miter saw
○ With your Second half, Measure out 3x 1.35 ft and cut those out using the miter saw

● Using your 2 1.5 ft boards
○ Draw out a semi/half circle .2 inches down from on end of the board
■ This will be your handles
○ Using a drill, pierce 3 holes along the lines of your semi circle
○ Now use a scroll saw to cut out the rest of the handle
○ Using your 100 Grit, sand the insides of the handles to remove any sharp edges(This is optional)
■ Now go over it with your 200 Grit to smoothen out the insides for a better feel
● Sanding
○ Sand the edges of all your boards for safety purposes

● Design
○ If you would like to, carve out any designs you have onto your board
○ Now you want to go over it and apply 2 to 4 layers of paint/stainer over your boards

● Assembly
○ Measure out 1 inch from the bottom of the board(The 1.5 ft piece) to the top
■ Now Measure out 1 inch and 2.5 inches from left to right
● Using a 3/8th Drill bit, Pre-Drill your holes so that when you are screwing your boards together they don’t crack or strip the screw
● Now Get one of your 1.35 ft boards and line it up with the holes
○ Clamp down both of your work pieces
■ Now drill through the same holes again and through your 1.35 ft boards but make sure not to go too deep so that you don't leave empty room after your screw is put in
■ Once you have all of your holes drilled out, only thing left to do is put in your screws
● Measure up about 5-7inches and put in another board and repeat until you have all you boards assembled together