3 Amazing Comfort Foods

by LEALOPEZ in Cooking > Bread

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3 Amazing Comfort Foods


Comfort food! We all love it and we all need it at one point, right? Well here is 3 recipes for when you feel bad or gloomy (or even just need a snack) . This includes: pizza toast, Mini crepes, and Potato balls! plus a bonus: ways to feel comfortable while eating these foods!

Pizza Toast


we will start with the easiest: Pizza toast!

This recipe is simple enough for a 11 year old to do (I should know I'm 11) all you need to do is make toast (do not put cheese in toaster IT WILL RUIN YOUR TOASTER) then put cheese on the slice of toast and put it in the microwave ,about 1 minute. Put your pepperonis, I used mini pepperonis and pop back into microwave for 10 seconds. Enjoy!

Potato Balls


First you'll wanna make a batch of mashed potatoes and ANY filling you want to use in these balls. I used a mixture of meat and minced veggies. Ounce your mashed potatoes are ready get your filling and (This gets messy) your mashed potatoes and make balls out of the mashes potatoes, make sure to poke a hole in the ball for your filling. Fill the hole that you made with the filling and cover with more mashed potatoes. Then cover in Panko bread crumbs then bake for 30 mins on 120.

Mini Crepes


In a large mixing bowl whisk the flour, sugar and salt until combined. Then create a well with flour and add the eggs.In a small skillet over medium heat, melt butter or put cooking spray .Cook 2 minutes, then flip and cook 1 minute more. ...Serve crepes warm with fresh fruit and powdered I had mine with chocolate inside!

Enjoy and Love Yourself!

You are beautiful and amazing! You deserve these foods served to you on a silver platter. Remember to love your self every day because you deserve it!