3-D Fairy Painting

I had an amazing idea to use nature to make a fairy painting
Some materials you will need are
paint (watercolor, acrylic, or whatever you have!)
Rocks, sticks, or any kind of nature
hot glue
Make a Sketch

Draw out your plan for this piece. The sketch doesn't need to be perfect, just get your ideas out!
Find Nature
go find rocks and sticks. i also added some crystals that i had but you don't have to
Map Out Where the Sticks and Rocks Will Go

lay out where the sticks and rocks will be. You can trace this on your canvas or take a picture so you remember it, i did both.
Paint It
Paint the pond, ground, and sky. it doesn't have to be realistic, get creative!
Add the Nature
Lay out and glue down the sticks and rocks.
Add Details
add details to the pond and map out where the fairy will go on the sky in white paint. then, paint over the white to color it in.
Flowers and Leaves

this step is optional, but you can make paper leaves and butterflies. you could also add lights or anything else you think could enhance your art. Spray it with mod podge and your done! i hope you enjoyed this tutorial