3 Things You Can Make From PVC Pipes (Part 2)
by ShakeTheFuture in Workshop > Tools
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3 Things You Can Make From PVC Pipes (Part 2)


This is the second part of the Instructable "3 Things You Can Make From PVC Pipes"
We will make PVC tongs, improved screwdriver's handle and a key-chain utility knife.
When heating the PVC, make sure to do it outside or wear a respirator.
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PVC Tongs

I marked one side of the PVC with a masking tape and then heated that side with a heat-gun.
I flattened the heated side with a piece of wood.
Then I did the same thing with the other side of PVC.
I later learned that it's easier if you heat up all the pipe and then flatten it, instead of doing one side and then the other.
PVC Tongs

I heated the middle and bent it around another PVC pipe
PVC Tongs

Then I heated the sides and made a groove
PVC Tongs

I heated up the ends to the point the pastic started to melt and squeezed the pipe with a clamp.
And then I did some sanding.
PVC Tongs

We have made plastic tongs.
I will use it to serve ice cubes.
It's plastic, so don't use it for hot foods.
Screwdriver's Handle Improvement

Have you ever had that experience?
You use a screwdriver for so long that you get a blister in the middle of your hand....
There are a few ways to improve your old screwdrivers with PVC.
Screwdriver Nr-1
I heated a short PVC pipe and slid it onto the screwdriver's handle.
Then I heated the other end of the pipe and put on the cap.
The reason for heating is to make the end smaller so the cap can spin freely.
The pipe is removable, so when needed you can slide on the PVC and have an extended handle (if that's what you want).
The cap will spin and save your hand from getting blisters.
Screwdriver's Handle Improvement

Screwdriver Nr-2
I heated the "T" connector and slid it onto the handle.
When needed, you can attach the "T" connector to have a better grip.
Key-Chain Utility Knife

I heated a short PVC pipe and squeezed it with a clamp.
Then I inserted a blade and squeezed the clamp even more.
Key-Chain Utility Knife

I cut two pieces from beads peg-board and glued them to the clamp.
Key-Chain Utility Knife

I used the clamp to make a dotted pattern.
Key-Chain Utility Knife

When you reheat the PVC pipe, it will take it's original shape.
That's why I switched to the candle as it's easier to control where the heat is applied.
I heated both ends of the pipe and closed them with a clamp.
One of the ends was closed with a blade inside.
Key-Chain Utility Knife

I snapped off the blade and made a cap from a bigger PVC pipe.
Key-Chain Utility Knife

I drilled a hole in the cap and did a final sanding.
Key-Chain Utility Knife

Our key-chain utility knife is ready.
The blade will hold in place by the pressure of your fingers.
Great for opening parcels and other tasks.
Because the knife is sharp, it's great for emergencies.
If you ever get into an accident and your seat belt has jammed, use the knife to free yourself.