3D Patterns (Rhino + Grasshopper) 1st Trial
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3D Patterns (Rhino + Grasshopper) 1st Trial
This is my very first trial using Rhino + Grasshopper (+ Extra Kudos to Pufferfish) for creating a 2.5/3 D pattern for printing. For this very first go, I couldn't explore much of the functionalities provided as I was overwhelmed with the amount of options that is provided.
Note : Code examples are picked up from Jennifer Jacobs' Computational Fabrication course at UCSB.
The image shows the Dataflow diagram in Grasshopper. This example is adapted from the final Grasshopper example discussed in class with few modifications. The Python scrips generates a bunch of points in the plane of the two input points. The python scripts also takes in a few parameters to control the spread of the points in the plane.
The output of the Python script, which are the list of points is taken in by "Delaunay Edge generator". This component generates Edges based on an algorithm which I don't understand (The inner workings of Delaunay Triangulation - Grasshopper (grasshopper3d.com)) . These edges are then converted to closed rectangular curves with the help of Pufferfish's Offset Curve component. Then converted to a surface by the Boundary component and 'Extrude' to extend it to 3 dimensions.
Rhino : Final Looks
The image (from the Perspective view) shows how the Grasshopper created the components which can be visualized in Rhino.
My Takeaways:
1> Initially, it was difficult to remember which component to use in different situation. I hope this improves with more practice.
2> As it was my first go, I had a bit of hard time matching (completing the different flows) in the Dataflow. It was mainly because I didn't know the datatypes of the inputs and outputs of various components.