3D Printed Fabric Box

Recently I was experimenting with 3d printed fabric.
Please check the below link.
- I want to go one step further to make something that is designed & printed in 2D but after that using heat treatment or manual bending, we make a 3d structure.
- Last time I used Tinkercad for making fabric in size of 100x100x0.2 mm.
- This time I make a 3d printed fabric box using 3D printing.
1> Computer access
2> Autodesk login for tinkercad and Fusioon360
3> 3d printer access
4> Glue gun
Design in Tinkercad

- I make a box in the size of 50x50x50 mm. we all know the box has six sides.
- In tinker cad, we make a box with side walls.
- But in flat pattern design, it's hard to find bend edges in Tinkercad.
Design With Fusion360
The thin wall box is like a sheet metal box. there is a small paper sheet and we fold it to make a box out of the flat sheet.
For advanced design, I use fusion360 to make boxes.
Use fusion360 sheet metal workspace to make a box and export that flat pattern body for 3d printing.
- First, i choose a sheet metal workspace and draw a square size of 50x50mm.
- then use the flange command to make the sheet metal part.
- To define sheet metal thickness I select sheet metal rules and modify steel thickness to 0.3mm.
- Use the flange command to extrude the outer 4 side wall at 50mm in height.
- Use the flange command and select the backside edge of the vertical wall and extrude 90 degrees and 51 mm from the back wall.
- use the sketch on the top side to create a flapper on the top part.
- Use create flat pattern command to unfold our box on a flat sheet.
- Generate an offset plane on 100 mm and project a flat pattern on it.
- Use extrude command to extrude a flat pattern sketch to 0.3mm.
- Export same body in Stl file for 3d printing.
Design Drawing.

Using fusion360 we can make Engineering drawings.
After the design, I make engineering drawings for this box to define dimensions for future use.
Render in Fusion360

- For Branding Purpose Fusion360 have a very good render engine to make good branding images from various angles, lighting, and environments.
- I use paper material for the box.
3D Printing.

Making something out of a 3d printer is a general job. you just set basic parameters and it's done.
For making fabric we need to alter basic parameters for that.
Use the below parameter for making 3d printed fabric.
- Layer height: 0.1mm
- Top/bottom layer : 0
- Wall: 4
- Infill: 50 %
- Infill pattern: Gyroid
- Adhesion: brim
- Brim lines: 5
Using this parameter in Cura or other slicer software you make a very good and smooth 3d print fabric.
After the 3d print, we use a scale to bed the fabric in the size of the box and use a Glue gun for join all side of the box.

After the 3d print, we use a scale to bed the fabric in the size of the box and use a Glue gun to join all sides of the box.
Using this fabric concept you will make lamps, wallets, shirts, etc.