4 Ways on How to Remove Tree Sap From Your Vehicle
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4 Ways on How to Remove Tree Sap From Your Vehicle

Hello everyone, in this particular video I will be doing a demonstration on the 4 different ways on how to remove sap from paint. The same methods can be applied to your vehicle’s glass as well. Unfortunately sap can be hard to remove and should be addressed immediately when found on your vehicle. If left on for extended periods of time, it can become quite hard and eventually stain the paint.
Tools/Supplies Needed:
- soft cloth or paper towel
- rubbing alcohol
- penetrating oil (WD40)
- wax and grease remover
- polishing compound
- microfiber cloth
- wax

When you’re removing the sap, always ensure the area you’re working in or preferably the whole vehicle is washed thoroughly to remove any contamination which may cause scratching.
Method #1

Using rubbing alcohol or also known as isopropyl alcohol. This can be found in different concentrations, from what I’ve found with a 70% concentration and upward. I believe this one is around 90%. Apply the rubbing alcohol to a soft paper towel or soft cloth, you can dab it onto the sap spot to soak in or simply rub the surface. Light to medium pressure is all that’s needed. Apply more rubbing alcohol if needed and eventually the sap will have been removed.
Method #2

Another common product around most households is WD40. Other light weight penetrating oils may also work, apply it to a soft cloth or paper towel, you can also apply a drop to the sap and then rub the surface just like before. Once done you, there will be oil residue on the paint and this should be cleaned off using soap and water, rubbing alcohol or a wax and grease remover.
Method #3

This time around using a solvent, a wax and grease remover. Some process before, work the product into the surface. A wax and grease remover will be the harshest product I’d recommend using on paint, it won’t damage the paints finish. Anything harsher such as a brake cleaner can damage the finish, either causing staining or deteriorating the finish. A wax and grease remover used should be used in a well ventilated area.
Method #4

You can also use a rubbing alcohol. While not all hand sanitizers contain alcohol, this product here does. The gel formula can be applied to the sap, allowing it to somewhat break down the sap and eventually be cleaned off. Regardless what product you’re using to remove sap, if it’s left on for a long time, then it can be extremely hard to remove. I’m guessing these sap stains on this car is about a year old as this is the first chance I’ve had to go around the exterior of the car, cleaning up imperfections such as this.
Removing Sap From Glass

Either of these methods can be used on glass as well to remove sap stains. Glass tends to be more durable than paint, so solvents can’t damage it as easily. However just like paint, it can still scratch, so it’s important to remove any contaminants.

After the sap has been removed, a polishing compound can be used to clean up the area. Depending on how long that sap was left for on the paint, just like a decal, this can sometimes cause ghosting or even etch the paint’s surface. Ghosting doesn’t tend to be an issue with glass, but if you wish to polish glass, there are various products on the market specifically for this.
While any wax or sealant has been removed when cleaning off the sap, a new layer of wax or sealant should be applied. This not only protects the paint in general, but also provides a layer between the paint and future sap drops, making them easier to remove.
Do you have tips on how to remove sap? Please be sure to share it in the comments below. Stay up to date with my latest tutorials, don't forget to FOLLOW my profile and be sure to check out my YOUTUBE page as well for all your DIY needs. Also be sure to follow my other social media pages such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google Plus, and Twitter.