5 Lego Simple Machines

here are 5 simple machines made with a few lego pieces and different extra to enhance your experience. please vote in the simple machines challenge

step 1: get supplies
step 2: put the brick together in a tall stack
step 3: put the pegs in the small pulleys
step 4: put the pulleys on the pegboard however you want and then using a piece of string as a rope
extra: try adding weights or changing the position of the pulley
Inclined Plane

step 1: get supplies
step 2: stack the bricks and peg as the picture shows above
step 3: take one of the beams and the 3 long pins put the pins in as the picture shows
step 4: take the other two beams and put them on as the pictures show
step 5: at each your beam block on the black peg and put it on the base and you're done
extra: see if you can angle the plane at different heights and angles
Wedge (easiest)

step 1: get pieces
step 2: stack bricks as the picture shows
step 3: put together as the picture shows
extra see if you can pop apart the pieces with the flat side

step 1: get the parts
step 2: stack bricks and put the peg in as shown in the picture
step 3: assemble the lever arm as shown (hint the two 2 beams are connected by a 3 long peg)
step 4:finish it as the picture shows above
extra try shifting the weight/point of rotation
Screw (hardest )

step 1: get supplies
step 2: using one of the axles two of yellow spacers and whatever the other pieces are called to assemble the piece pictured above
step 3: using the last Axl, screw, and yellow spacers to build the screw
step 4: using the hole bricks, mount the mechanism, and put it on the plate
extra: how could this be used in the real world?