9 Tools to Get Started With EDM...
by kirthik vasan in Circuits > Audio
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9 Tools to Get Started With EDM...

Ever thought of creating music? I guess many of you have must thought about it.
For the past 5 years a genre called Electronic Dance Music emerged as a trend, earlier making music was a very complicated task, a single error would lead to lot of problems. Use of computer Technology reduced the complications and confusion involved in the process of music making. An evolution happened leading to the emergence of EDM(Electronic Dance music).
In the beginning people from the music music industry had no clue what was going to happen , within a year EDM became massive and lots of festivals like Tommorowland and Ultra Music Festival begun. It went global hit .....Famous artists like Hardwell,Afrojack etc. emerged to stardom..... Billboard charts started featuring EDM....Many labels were opened just for Edm....The year 2013 assured music industry that this genre is gonna stay forever.
In this we will be learning 9 basic tools for getting started with EDM.
So lets begin...
Using a Daw

Every music producer needs an interface to produce music
we will be using fl studio 12 for producing our EDM.
here's the link for downloading fl studio12
Master Volume Bar

Using this we can set the volume of the music by simply sliding the knob up or down.
Master Pitch

Adjacent to the master volume bar we have the Master pitch .
Using this we can manage pitch and create slowdown effect.

It serves the purpose of a tempo taper that is to check whether a following element being used in a track matches the BPM (Beat Per Minute) of a song.
Play, Stop ,Loop and Record

These are used for playing and pausing the track at any instant.
Loop is used for playing the track repeatedly.
Record button for recording sound from an external source.
Channel Picker

It assigns a new channel and also acts as a plugin picker.
>>>>What is a channel?
A channel rack consists of different elements which comprises of percusasions and
VST(Virtual Studio Technology) which produces different sounds.
>>>>what is a plugin picker?
Plugin Picker helps us to choose different VST's at a time.
Piano Roll

This serves the purpose for creating melodies which form the building block for creating any music.

All the patterns of melodies made are assembled sequentially and structure of the song is designed here.
Mixer Track

Mixer track is used to assign channel and mix and master them to obtain the correct frequency
>>>>why we need mastering ?
In a song different frequencies are there and if not mastered leads to cracking of sound
>>>>why we need Mixing?
We need mixing to synchronize all sound elements used in a track so that they dont sound different when played together.
With these tools you are now set to create your own EDM.
To hear how EDM sounds like.
Listen to my vision....
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