A Electronics Box

I made a box that I could put most of my utensil that I want inside. I made this because I do a lot of art and I can put my art supplies such as pencil and easers in the box.
- 11.8" x 11.8" piece of 1/8 baltic birch plywood
- FsLaser (Website)
- Muse Titan
- Wood Glue
- Computer
- Boxes.PY
The Start

The first thing I needed to do was select a box that I wanted to make. For this I used Boxes.PY to pick my box and make my box from the scratch. After selecting the Electronic box on Boxes.PY I had to change the dimensions because it didn't fit on the 11.8" x 11.8" plywood.

The box consist of having a X, Y, and H dimensions. The X controls the width of the box, the Y control the length, and H controlling the height of the box. The dimension I wen with was 125 for X, 65 for Y, and 90 for H.

The next sept to completing my box was putting it the computer so I can move it around, and put it in FsLaser to cut the box. FsLaser is a website we used to put the parts of the box to be cut out. The FsLaser has the program we used to cut the box and it is called MuseTitian.

After putting everything on FsLaser, I transfer the file from my computer into a USB to use it in the MuseTitian. After that, I checked how long it will take to cut out everything. My box took about 27 minutes to fully finish cutting. After the cutting was finish all that was left is to assemble the pieces together.
After everything was done, I started putting the pieces together. But, I ran into a problem, one of the side was a bit loos so I had to use a wood glue. Then before finish my assembly I had to wait for that wood to dry up. After the next day, the wood glue was finally dry, so then I was able to finish my assembly. Then my box was finished.