A Mystery Game for Notepad

by NotePro in Craft > Digital Graphics

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A Mystery Game for Notepad


This is a game that I am working on that simulates you being a detective.



You will need notepad, the complex knowledge of knowing how to copy and paste, and tolerance for my jokes.

Mystery Game


@echo off


rem This is all/most of my variables

set c=

set c1=unlocked

set c2=locked

set c3=locked

set c4=locked

set c5=locked

set done1=0

set done2=0

set done3=0

set done4=0

set cause=0

set wins=0

title mystery


echo --------------------------------

echo welcome to mystery!

echo This game was made by NotePro

echo --------------------------------


echo 1) start

echo 2) exit

set /p a= num-

if %a%==1 goto 1

if %a%==3 start https://www.instructables.com/A-Mystery-Game-for-Notepad/




echo Welcome to Mystery!

echo you will gather clues and figure out who committed the crime.

echo there are three crimes. If you complete all three,

echo a bonus level will be unlocked! (Pst! new secret add-on added!)




echo causality num= %cause%

echo wins= %wins%


echo 0) experimental feature

echo 1) crime 1--%c1%

echo 2) crime 2--%c2%

echo 3) crime 3--%c3%


if %c4%==unlocked echo 4) crime 4--%c4%

if %wins% GEQ 6 echo 5) Create Your Own!--%c5%

set /p c= num-

if %c%==0 goto ex

if %c%==1 goto check1

if %c%==2 goto check2

if %c%==3 goto check3

if %c%==4 goto check4

if %c%==5 goto check5

if /I %c%==res goto gamereset

if /I %c%==adm goto admin

goto invalid



echo !You cant do that!


goto menu


set c1=unlocked

set c2=unlocked

set c3=unlocked

set c4=unlocked

set c5=unlocked

goto menu



echo change the color of the game.

echo ( 7 is the original color )


echo 0 = Black  8 = Gray

echo 1 = Blue  9 = Light Blue

echo 2 = Green  A = Light Green

echo 3 = Aqua  B = Light Aqua

echo 4 = Red   C = Light Red

echo 5 = Purple  D = Light Purple

echo 6 = Yellow  E = Light Yellow

echo 7 = White  F = Bright White

set /p color=color 

if %color%==back goto menu

goto change



color %color%

goto menu


if %done1%==1 goto cd1

goto crime1



echo you have already done this crime!

echo would you like to redo it?


echo 1) yes

echo 2) no

set /p c=num-

if %c%==1 goto crime1

goto menu



echo crime one...


echo your suspects are Jim, Kal, decker, and jack.

echo who would you like to interview first?

echo to guess who the criminal is, say-- remove

echo 1) Jim

echo 2) Kal

echo 3) Decker

echo 4) Jack

set /p c=num-

if %c%==1 goto Jim

if %c%==2 goto Kal

if %c%==3 goto Decker

if %c%==4 goto Jack

if %c%==remove goto remove

goto invalid



echo who is the criminal?

echo Warning! choosing the wrong person will give you a causality!

echo 0) back

echo 1) Jim

echo 2) Kal

echo 3) Decker

echo 4) Jack

set /p c=num-

if %c%==1 goto complete1

if %c%==0 goto crime1

set /a cause=%cause%+1

goto crime1


set done1=1

set /a wins=%wins%+1

set c2=unlocked

goto menu




echo You- Hello Jim, I would like to ask you what you saw. What was the crime?

echo  Jim- hi detective, The night that I witnessed the crime was crazy!

echo You- What did you see?

echo  Jim- I saw a bunch of things! 

echo You- So what did you see.

echo  Jim- As I said, A BUMCH OF THINGS!!


goto crime1




echo You- Hello Kal, I would like to ask you what you saw. What was the crime?

echo  Kal- howdy detective, The night that I saw the crime sure 

echo   shook the snake in my boot!

echo You- What did you see?

echo  Kal- I saw this person who had anger issues threaten to 

echo   steal all of the money from the bar if they didn't give him money!! 

echo You- Wow. Is there anything else?

echo  Kal- No, I tried to remember what he looked like but we were all drunk.

echo   be safe out there detective! Yee Haw!


goto crime1




echo You- Hello Decker, I would like to ask you what you saw. What was the crime?

echo  Decker- may the force be with you detective.

echo   the crime last night was a surprise to many.

echo You- What did you see?



echo You- Umm, ok is there anything you can tell me about the criminal?

echo  Decker- NO! sorry detective. Break a leg!


goto crime1




echo You- Hello Jack, I would like to ask you what you saw. What was the crime?

echo  Jack- well well, crazy seeing you around here.

echo   The night of the crime scared me half to death!

echo You- What did you see?

echo  Jack- I saw this person who was incredibly angry,

echo   threaten to eat all of the money to get their money.

echo You- Wow. Are you sure? 

echo  Jack- Yes. And I even saw that it was a duck that did it.


goto crime1


if %c2%==locked goto invalid

if %done2%==1 goto cd2

goto crime2



echo you have already done this crime!

echo would you like to redo it?


echo 1) yes

echo 2) no

set /p c=num-

if %c%==1 goto crime2

goto menu



echo crime two...


echo your suspects are Bill, Carmen, Xavier, Bella, Dawson, and Jack.

echo who would you like to interview first?

echo to guess who the criminal is, say-- remove

echo 1) Bill

echo 2) Carmen

echo 3) Xavier

echo 4) Bella

echo 5) Dawson

echo 6) Jack

set /p c=num-

if %c%==1 goto Bill

if %c%==2 goto Carmen

if %c%==3 goto Xavier

if %c%==4 goto Bella

if %c%==5 goto Dawson

if %c%==6 goto Jack2

if %c%==remove goto remove2

goto invalid



echo who is the criminal?

echo Warning! choosing the wrong person will give you a causality!

echo 0) back

echo 1) Bill

echo 2) Carmen

echo 3) Xavier

echo 4) Bella

echo 5) Dawson

echo 6) Jack

set /p c=num-

if %c%==3 goto complete2

if %c%==0 goto crime2

set /a cause=%cause%+1

goto crime2


set done2=1

set /a wins=%wins%+1

set c3=unlocked

goto menu




echo You- Hello Bill, could you share what you saw yesterday?

echo  Bill- Oh no! This has to have been a big crime if you are involved.

echo   Is it about the money that was spilling out of the ATM?

echo You- Actually, it is. You see, someone scanned a pedestrian's credit card

echo  and decided to withdraw hundreds.

echo  Bill- Wow, well I can tell you one thing, I saw Xavier on a computer on 

echo   a bench near mine. I couldn't see what was on his screen

echo   so this probably doesn't help that much.


goto crime2




echo You- Hello Carmen, could you share what you saw yesterday?

echo  Carmen- Hi detective, I was running through the park when

echo   I saw the ATM go wild.

echo You- Did anyone look suspicious to you?

echo  Carmon- Well now that you mention it, there was this one person in

echo    a grey sweatshirt that looked like he didn't want to be seen.

echo you- can you describe anything else that you saw? 

echo  Carmon- Actually yes, The sweatshirt man was to the 

echo  left of this person in a red tie.


goto crime2




echo You- Hello Xavier, could you share what you saw yesterday?

echo  Xavier- You mean the ATM crash? That was a lot of money.

echo You- Yes. Did you see anything of note? 

echo  Xavier- Before I started to work on my computer, I did see Bill.

echo  Did you know that he works a job as a security manager?

echo   I can't believe he was even wearing his suit!

echo You- No, I didn't. Is there anything else that I should know?

echo  Xavier- One last thing, Dawson was looking at an 

echo  extension of some sort on his phone


goto crime2




echo You- Hello Bella, could you share what you saw yesterday?

echo  Bella- Sure detective! I was sitting next to this person with their

echo  phone out when the ATM spilled out money.

echo You- Can you tell me more about what you saw?

echo  Bella- Sure, I also saw Dawson out on his phone. Since he had

echo  a red hat on, It was hard to mistake him for someone else.

echo You- interesting. Anything else of note?

echo  Bella- The person to the left of me was very odd. I don't know them

echo  but they were wearing everyday clothes with a red tie!


goto crime2




echo You- Hello Dawson, could you share what you saw yesterday?

echo  Dawson- What happened? I am afraid I don't know what you are talking about.

echo You- I just happen to be talking about the ATM that was being generous

echo  yesterday. Didn't you notice?

echo  Dawson- I was very unaware of what was happening because I was

echo  reading a newspaper the entire time.

echo You- so you cant tell me anything?

echo  Dawson- Sorry detective. Nothing. May I get back to my work now?


goto crime2




echo You- Hello again Jack. Could you share what you saw yesterday?

echo  Jack- Well well, sure thing detective. I saw tihings

echo  that definately will help.

echo You- Great! Would you mind sharing?

echo  Jack- So there was this person with an umbrella making the sky green.

echo  He told Gyre that he should live in a ATM

echo You- Interesting.

echo  Jack- So Gyre decided that he should buy an ATM so he 

echo  could live happy ever after.

echo You- Is there anything else? 

echo  Jack- Yes. Gyre said that I was smart. How rude of him!

echo  Also, who are you?


goto crime2


if %c3%==locked goto invalid

if %done3%==1 goto cd3

goto crime3



echo you have already done this crime!

echo would you like to redo it?


echo 1) yes

echo 2) no

set /p c=num-

if %c%==1 goto crime3

goto menu



echo crime three...


echo your suspects are Stewart, Frank, Susan, Hadley, John, and Jack.

echo who would you like to interview first?

echo to guess who the criminal is, say-- remove

echo 1) Stewart

echo 2) Frank

echo 3) Susan

echo 4) Hadley

echo 5) John

echo 6) Jack

set /p c=num-

if %c%==1 goto Stewart

if %c%==2 goto Frank

if %c%==3 goto Susan

if %c%==4 goto Hadley

if %c%==5 goto John

if %c%==6 goto Jack3

if %c%==remove goto remove3

goto invalid



echo who is the criminal?

echo Warning! choosing the wrong person will give you a causality!

echo 0) back

echo 1) Stewart

echo 2) Frank

echo 3) Susan

echo 4) Hadley

echo 5) John

echo 6) Jack

set /p c=num-

if %c%==4 goto complete3

if %c%==0 goto crime3

set /a cause=%cause%+1

goto crime3


set done3=1

set /a wins=%wins%+1

set c4=unlocked

goto menu




echo You- Good morning Stewart. Can you describe what happened a few days ago?

echo  Stewart- Mornin' detective, The scam that happened was huge! My group was

echo  trading for the same pieces of equipment with the same person.

echo You- Interesting.

echo  Stewart- Since we were all trading with the same person for the same 

echo  equipment, no one is able to figure out who cheated $1000 out of the deal!

echo You- This is going to be a hard case.

echo  Stewart- Yes, I bet it will. Best of luck to you!


goto crime3




echo You- Good morning Frank. Can you describe what happened a few days ago?

echo  Frank- My group and I were making a trade for some machinery. Someone from

echo  our group scammed the trader and now we are about to get sued

echo You- Well I am here to help you with that. All I need is some information

echo  to catch the person responsible.

echo  Frank- Sorry detective, I wasn't near any of my partners.


goto crime3




echo You- Good morning Susan. Can you describe what what happened a few days ago?

echo  Susan- Hi detective, I sure hope you are going to help us find

echo  out who scammed our trader.

echo You- Why yes I am. Do you have anything that would help me?

echo  Susan- Maybe, I was talking to my group after the trade. As usual,

echo  Frank was not there but we all seemed anxious. I thought nothing

echo   of it at first but now I wish I had paid closer attention to them.

echo You- What did you pay for the trade?

echo  Susan- I paid 10,000. As did everyone else.


goto crime3




echo You- Good morning Hadley. Can you describe what happened a few days ago?

echo  Hadley- So my group was trading with this person and someone

echo  decided to scam him $1,000.

echo You- That sounds like a lot of money! who do you think did it?

echo  Hadley- Not sure. We were all really anxious when the trade ended.

echo You- Is there anything that you can tell me?

echo  Hadley- Sorry detective, The best I can give you is that

echo  Frank was not with us at all.


goto crime3




echo You- Good morning John. Can you describe what happened a few days ago?

echo  John- Sure detective. The trade that was made was over pieces of machinery

echo You- Can you tell me who you think might have scammed your trader?

echo  John- honestly, I think that he didn't count the money correctly.

echo You- Interesting.

echo  John- It must be a misunderstanding.

echo You- What makes you think so?

echo  John (whispering)- I know who it is but I can't say it out loud 

echo  or else they might hear me.

title note~hadley.


title mystery

goto crime3




echo You- Good morning Jack. Can you describe what you saw a few days ago?

echo  Jack- Yeah! Is detet man back on the job?

echo You- Yes, I am. What did you see?

echo  Jack- I saw this person with money for hands steel 1000 dollars so they 

echo  could taste the rainbow on sunny days.

echo You- Are you sure?

echo  Jack- Absolutely with an R! They even bought a knife named R2e.

echo You- Is there anything else?

echo  Jack- Yes. My pet goldfish drowned.


goto crime3


if %c4%==locked goto invalid

if %done4%==1 goto cd4

goto crime4



echo you have already done this crime!

echo would you like to redo it?


echo 1) yes

echo 2) no

set /p c=num-

if %c%==1 goto crime4

goto menu



echo crime four...


echo your suspects are Tony, Harper, Max, Skyler, Gabe, and Jack.

echo who would you like to interview first?

echo to guess who the criminal is, say-- remove

echo 1) Tony

echo 2) Harper

echo 3) Max

echo 4) Skyler

echo 5) Gabe

echo 6) Jack

set /p c=num-

if %c%==1 goto Tony

if %c%==2 goto Harper

if %c%==3 goto Max

if %c%==4 goto Skyler

if %c%==5 goto Gabe

if %c%==6 goto Jack4

if %c%==remove goto remove4

goto invalid



echo who is the criminal?

echo Warning! choosing the wrong person will give you a causality!

echo 0) back

echo 1) Tony

echo 2) Harper

echo 3) Max

echo 4) Skyler

echo 5) Gabe

echo 6) Jack

set /p c=num-

if %c%==6 goto complete4

if %c%==0 goto crime4

set /a cause=%cause%+1

goto crime4


set done4=1

set /a wins=%wins%+1

set c5=unlocked

goto menu




echo You- Good afternoon Tony. I am here to discuss the murder.

echo  Tony- Good afternoon to you to detective! I am here to help in any way I can.

echo You- What did you see the night of the murder.

echo  Tony- I was strolling past this house late at night and I noticed that the

echo   door was open. I was just going to be nice and shut the door for them but

echo   when I got close to the door, I could smell blood. I walked in and the 

echo    woman started screaming. I called 9-1-1 but by the time the

echo    ambulance came, she had died from blood loss.

echo You- Did she say anything?

echo  Tony- Nothing I could understand. The blade in her side was causing her

echo   excruciating pain. Who buys a golden knife and decides to

echo   waist it on an old woman?!

echo You- can you describe what the knife looked like?

echo  Tony- Sure. The golden knife had an engraving on the hilt that said Artewe.

echo   The knife looked like it was made outside of the country since the

echo   design on it was so unusual.

echo You- is there anything else? When investigating the crime scene, No fingerprints

echo   were found except the fingerprints on the knife.

echo  Tony- So I guess that is why you are investigating me. I promise detective,

echo   I did not kill that woman.

echo You- And I believe you. Until there is proof otherwise.


goto crime4




echo You- Good afternoon Harper. I am here to discuss the murder.

echo  Harper- Oh that poor woman! I was doing a neighborhood stroll and I heard 

echo  her screaming! Since I know how to pick locks, I unlocked the door and I 

echo   saw that she was dying! I tried to pull the blade out of her stomach but

echo   I was just causing her more pain. She passed out but I thought she was

echo    dead. I left and tried to get others that might be able to help her. But 

echo    by the time I got back, she was gone.

echo You- The ambulance probably picked her up. Why didn't you call 9-1-1?

echo You might have been able to save their life.

echo  Harper- Detective, I knew she didn't have much longer before she would die.

echo  I didn't have a phone on me nor could I see a phone in her house. I knew an

echo   emergency doctor lived a few blocks down and I thought that it would be 

echo   quicker than trying to borrow someone's phone.

echo You- Did the woman say anything to you? 

echo  Harper- No detective! I wish she had though but she was in a lot of pain.

echo  I only made it worse. Maybe if I hadn't tried to remove the blade 

echo   she would have lived.

echo You- easy there Harper. This is not your fault. This woman was doomed to die

echo when her murderer decided to kill her.

echo  Harper- Thank you detective. I might have something of use before you go. 

echo  There was a gag that looked like it was cut off right next to her. I also 

echo   saw Skyler and Gabe cross by the house while she was screaming.


goto crime4




echo You- Good afternoon Max. I am here to discuss the murder.

echo  Max- I don't really like to talk about that. So you see, she was my mother.

echo You- I am so sorry for your loss. I need all of the information I can get about 

echo what happened that night if I am going to be able to help though.

echo  Max- Ok. So here is my side of the story. I was taking a nap that afternoon 

echo  and I woke up to the sound of someone screaming. I shot up and sought out 

echo   the sound to find that it came from my mother. She was bleeding out and I 

echo   had the sudden urge to gag. I raced to the nearest bathroom, threw up, and 

echo    passed out for about an hour. By the time I woke up, she was dead.

echo You- Did you see the person who did it? Did you find anything?

echo  Max- I did. And it was not pretty. I found a note that must have been left by 

echo  her murderer that explained to me the threat. My mother had received a note

echo   from them saying that $100,000 had to be given to them in the next 2 hours 

echo   or else she would pay with her life. My mom does not have 

echo    that kind of money! 

echo You- Is there anything else?

echo  Max- Yes. There was a hand drawn duck with a knife in the bottom left cornor 

echo  of the note.

echo You- Rest assured that I will catch this murderer.


goto crime4




echo You- Good afternoon Skyler. I am here to discuss the murder.

echo  Skyler- Is she dead? She was driving me crazy ever since 

echo  she arrived in the neighborhood.

echo You- Yes, she is. Did you see anything that night?

echo  Skyler- Well I definitely heard things last night. I had not had a good 

echo  night of sleep in a long time so I thought I heard someone 

echo   screaming in that house last night. 

echo You- Is there anything else you would like to tell me? 

echo  Skyler- Yes, please leave. (yawns)


goto crime4




echo You- Good afternoon Gabe. I am here to discuss the murder.

echo  Gabe- About time. What do you want to know?

echo You- You were expecting this?

echo  Gabe- N-no detective! I was just saying that someone should have been 

echo  on this case sooner.

echo You- Alright, so what was your experience? 

echo  Gabe- I was napping and I woke up to the sound of someone screaming. I opened 

echo  my door and crouched behind a bush as I saw a girl run out of the house, 

echo   stupidly leaving the door open. When I knew she was gone, I took a look at 

echo   what the commotion inside of the house was. I saw a pitiful body of an old

echo    woman lying on the floor. I touched the handle realizing that it was pure 

echo    gold and then ran from the cite for fear that I would be accused

echo     for killing her.

echo You- So why not report the body to the police?

echo  Gabe- I knew I left my fingerprints on the handle of the blade and on the 

echo  door. Trespassing was also a big concern. I was sure that the woman who ran 

echo   out of the house must have been wearing gloves so that no evidence was 

echo   left behind and I feared of being tried for murder.

echo You- You weren't the only one that left their fingerprints in the house.

echo  Gabe- I would hope so.


goto crime4




echo You- Good afternoon Jack. You wanted to meet?

echo  Jack- Ye! I saw a flying sausages! ALIENS ARE REAL!!

echo You- You aren't related to the crime I am working on so I don't have 

echo much time to chat.

echo  Jack- oOOh. I can help! So the Alein flew down to the bank and made the 

echo  temple fall down.

echo You- oh, well, thanks?

echo  Jack- Any time Detet man!


goto crime4


if %c5%==locked goto invalid

goto crime5


set person1=

set person2=

set person3=

echo make your own!


echo create your own crime and try to stump a friend or family member!




echo enter a name!

set /p person1= Person 1 




echo enter a name!

set /p person2= Person 2 




echo enter a name!

set /p person3= Person 3 




echo Now choose what they say! (Can only say three things for now)

echo %person1%

set /p r1p1= You-

set /p d1p1=   %person1%-

set /p r2p1= You-

set /p d2p1=   %person1%-

set /p r3p1= You-

set /p d3p1=   %person1%-




echo Now choose what they say! (Can only say three things for now)

echo %person2%

set /p r1p2= You-

set /p d1p2=   %person2%-

set /p r2p2= You-

set /p d2p2=   %person2%-

set /p r3p2= You-

set /p d3p2=   %person2%-




echo Now choose what they say! (Can only say three things for now)

echo %person3%

set /p r1p3= You-

set /p d1p3=   %person3%-

set /p r2p3= You-

set /p d2p3=   %person3%-

set /p r3p3= You-

set /p d3p3=   %person3%-



echo choose who is the killer.

echo 1) %person1%

echo 2) %person2%

echo 3) %person3%

set /p gui=num-

if %gui%==1 goto interview

if %gui%==2 goto interview

if %gui%==3 goto interview

goto invalid



echo crime five...  (custom)


echo your suspects are %person1%, %person2%, and %person3%.

echo who would you like to interview first?

echo to guess who the criminal is, say-- remove

echo Fails-%cause2%

echo 1) %person1%

echo 2) %person2%

echo 3) %person3%

set /p c=num-

if %c%==1 goto I1

if %c%==2 goto I2

if %c%==3 goto I3

if %c%==remove goto cR

goto invalid



echo who is the criminal?

echo Warning! choosing the wrong person will give you a causality!

echo 0) back

echo 1) %person1%

echo 2) %person2%

echo 3) %person3%

set /p c=num-

if %c%==%gui% goto complete5

if %c%==0 goto interview

set /a cause2=%cause2%+1

goto interview




echo YOU WON!


goto menu




echo You- %r1p1%

echo   %person1%- %d1p1%

echo You- %r2p1%

echo   %person1%- %d2p1%

echo You- %r3p1%

echo   %person1%- %d3p1%


goto interview




echo You- %d1p2%

echo   %person2%- %d1p2%

echo You- %d2p2%

echo   %person2%- %d2p2%

echo You- %d3p2%

echo   %person2%- %d3p2%


goto interview




echo You- %r1p3%

echo   %person3%- %d1p3%

echo You- %r2p3%

echo   %person3%- %d2p3%

echo You- %r3p3%

echo   %person3%- %d3p3%


goto interview



This game is not yet finished. I should have it done shortly after thanksgiving. <-- I am constantly improving the game. If you have any Ideas, Comment them!

(Remember to add the file extension .bat)