A RC Aeroplane

a basic quick and easy aeroplane
- Foam board
- ruler (Metrc) helps with these small measurements
- a marking tool
- box cutter (use a sharp one to get clean cuts)
- sandpaper
- hot glue
Basic Lines

draw a 40cm line across a piece of foam board

draw a line about 30 degrees like the image seen above
and make sure it straightens and 2 cm from the center line
Fulage to Nose

draw a straght line 2 cm long

draw a 10 cm line at a 10 to 15 degree angle

now make a 16 cm line with a 40 degree sweep
next draw a straights line next to the line you had just drawn that extends for 5 1/2 cm
now draw a line that extends 17 cm to back to the fuselage
your main wings are done
Rear Wings

give a 1 cm gap in between the start of the main wings to your rear wings.
follow the first images marking to show how or where each line starts and ends for the tail fins

draw a 2 cm line as demonstrated on the photo

stack 2 foamboards on top of each other. ( the one you drew on should be on top.)
tape the 2 foam boards together so they don't move while cutting
cut the foam boards using your box cutter.
Glue It Together

sand down any rought edges after cutting
glue the two pices together.
now cut a slab of foam that is roughs 4 cm in with and 8 cm in length too hold the 2 picas together and hold the electronics.

now this is a realy hard part, I only had 4 hours to build this and it is a custom build plus first time so i used the electronics of a old drone that broke along time ago
housing your electronics, the most important part of the build ( without it no flying)
now first glue down your motors to the wings
glue your electronics on the base of the platform holding your 2 plane pieces together
next cut 2 6 by 2 foam cutouts to hold together the electronic and protect it. and glue it to the sides.
lastly cut out a 8/8/8 triangle to act as the nose of the aircraft.
now fly