A Shipping Container Turned to a Place of Irish Gathering.

by Peduto in Craft > Digital Graphics

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A Shipping Container Turned to a Place of Irish Gathering.

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I've made a restaurant called The Remarkable Foot for the Irish immigrants building the transcontinental railroad. I've turned an old shipping container into a place for workers to rest, eat and drink. I did this because I wanted the Irish people to feel at home arriving in a new country.


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I used my vast wealth obtained from oil to pay the best contracting company to build what I desired. I wasn't involved with the tools used but I was involved with the look of the place. I told them to make it look like this and they did I just watched them I did not pay attention to the supplies used. So basically the best supply is a contracting company.

Name of Restaurant

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I decided to name the Restaurant after me an Irish, Italian and American person. My last name is Peduto which in Italian roughly translates to Remarkable foot. I used my Irish side to come up with the theme of the restaurant.

Creation of Restaurant Base

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I decided to use an old out-of-use shipping container for my Restaurant. Cheap and easy to maintain.

Flags, Counters, Drinks and Stools

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For the flags, I chose the Italian and Irish flags. I choose the Irish flag so the Irish workers can see the flag of their true homeland. I chose the Italian flag for me because even though I am Irish I'm also Italian. I choose a nice wooden counter I think simplicity is best. I made a drink cabinet small that's able to fulfill any needs. The stools are made from the finest wood procured from railroad companies.


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Come Ye Olde Irishmen to enjoy food and drink crafted from the finest ingredients. The best Reubens on this side of the Mississippi and the best Shepherd pie in the world are here. Come rest all you Irish railroad workers.