A Spinning Space Lamp

This is a spinning lamp that lights up in yellow and each turn brightness of the yellow goes up.
- Tape measure
- Britch board wood with a thickness of 1/4 mm
- Hot glue
- Servo
- Led Strip
- Circuit Board
- Laser Printer (Trotec Speedy 400)
- 3-D printer
- Illustrator
- Yarn
- Tape
Code Servo and Lights
use this code file
Paste Outline on Illustrator

Paste the 1/8 mm outline of the wood on illustrator. Hold down SHIFT when making the pieces bigger or smaller so they stay to scale. Make the circle the measurement you wrote down on the cardboard.
Print Two Circles and 8 Legs

Laser print 2 circles that will be the top and bottom of the lamp and 8 legs that will fit in the slots of the lamp. Make sure to tape the sides of the wood so the laser cuts through.
Assemble Lamp With Hot Glue

Each leg will fit into the slots of the bases. Insert a leg to the top and bottom of the two circles skipping one slot in between legs. However, to make sure that the slots do not move or come out over time, hot glue the bottom and top.
Create a 3 Sided Box

this box does not have a front, or back. My sides are 18 by 22 and the top 18 by 18.
Create Two Circle Holes for the Sides

This will allow people to see through and also make the wood lighter since 1/4 is heavy.
Glue the Servo to the Middle of the Bottom of the Box

Glue the servo to the bottom so that the lamp moves. The glue is needed for the support
Glue the Turning Piece of the Servo to the Bottom of the Lamp

This will allow you to take of the lamp when needed.
Glue Box Together

use wood glue to glue the four sides of the box together
Loop Yarn and Glue to the Top of Box

Loop two piece of yarn through the left over slots of the lamp and tie that to the top as seen in picture. Hot glue the yarn so it stays
3D Print the Rocket
I used a file found online for my rocket but you can design your own
Hot Glue Rocket to the Top of Lamp

Drill Hole on the Top of the Box

this will let you loop the yarn through the whole. Pull until it is tight, so until the lamp is connected to the servo. Glue the top of the box and yarn together so it stays.
Tape the Led Light on the Outside of the Bottom of Lamp

Attach Circuit Board to Battery Pack

Take a Wood Piece and Glue It to the Bottom of the Lamp

This is so the globe can fit on top of the wood piece and be big. This is optional
3d Print Globe and Glue It

Paint Box Black and Draw Stars With Gold Paint