A Turtle Lamp

I made a turtle lamp. I reused some things my family and I recycle all the time.
- 2 aluminum foil rolls
- A working lightbulb with a string
- A shoelace
- A old bag string handle thing
- Old shoulder pads
- Rubber band
- A cylinder container
- A random Orange juice sealer
- A pen
- A turtle-shaped stone(its for outside)
Put the 2 Rolls Together

I put a hole in one of the aluminum foil rolls and stuck a pen in it. Then I slid the random orange juice sealer on it.
After that, I put the string of the lightbulb through the sealer and I tied the string around the other roll, I also made sure to put the pen part inside of the other roll(I hope that made a little sense).
Balancing It
I then put the shoulder pads(about 2) around the 2nd roll and put a rubber band around them. then I put the roll into a cylinder container and tied the rolls with the bag string handle to further secure them. Then I tied the shoelace around the top roll and then tied the other end to the turtle's neck. After that, I put the turtle under the cylinder container.
Whew...I hope that made sense.