A Wendigo's Anatomy Sheet

by Tinkerman in Craft > Art

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A Wendigo's Anatomy Sheet


The Wendigo is a terrifying creature from Native American lore. Various different accounts tell us when a human resorts to cannibalism, they would turn into a Wendigo. These creatures are extremely dangerous since they have the ability to mimic human voices, and animal calls. As well as being able to infiltrate human minds. This way, instead of having to go after their prey, their prey simply comes to them. Once a Wendigo begins to hunt you, there is little that you can do to protect yourself from it. One of the few ways is to make a circle of the Anasazi Symbols. As long as you are in the circle, you should be safe.

The Wendigo is most commonly described as looking like a skeletal hybrid of a humanoid and a deer, elk, or moose like creature. It is said to have sunken, glowing red or yellow eyes, and have vicious claws. It is common for a Wendigo to stand well over 10 feet tall, with the tallest reaching 15 feet.


Drawing Pad - 11 x 14 inch (make sure it is thicker then printer paper, otherwise the ink will bleed through)


search engine

calligraphy pen (I used a dip pen, but a fountain pen would work to)

black ink

pen cleaner

paper towels

Horns and Head


Start the top of the horns about 2.5 inches from the top of the page. The horns themselves are about 2.25 inches from top to bottom. The deer horns, I used as a reference photo, so I could get them somewhat correct. I drew 3 different versions of the horns before I came out with one that didn't look ridiculous. The ones in the front were drawn first, while the ones in the back, were drawn a bit darker, so you could see the distinction in between them.

The skull was drawn with a deer skull in mind. I started at the base of the horns, and drew down from there. Wendigo's are described as having sunken eyes, sharp teeth, and long tongues. For the eyes, draw a basic eye shape, then added some shading around it. Draw a small horn almost directly behind the horns. Once you have got the outline down, use the calligraphy pen (marker, pen, or pencil if you don't have one) to darken the lines and shade around the eyes, and inside the mouth. As well as to draw the tongue.

Body and Arms

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the body of the Wendigo is often shown as hunched over. I tried to get the stoop to look natural, however, it did take a few tries. To simulate the bones stretching the skin, I tried to shade around the ribs, again, it didn't turn out exactly how I would've wanted it to, but it still looks pretty good. I put 15 spikes down the length of the back, some bigger then others.

The arms were tricky since getting them to look natural meant looking from my arm, to the drawing to get the right motions. The shoulder socket, was drawn so it would seem to pop out a bit. For this effect, simply draw a oval, then shade around the left side, to give the appearance of a shadow. From top to bottom, not including the bend, the front arm is 3.5 inches long. While the arm in the back is 3 inches long, from tip of the hand to shoulder. For the back hand, I drew so it almost looks like a duckbill, where the thumb, is on the side of the rock, and the pointer finger is on top of it.



The legs were tricky since I wanted them to look natural. I ended up basing the legs off of the reference photo I was using for this project.


These next few steps will be everything that is written and drawn on the sides.


Since it is a cold weather creature, most sightings have been reported in Canada. Wendigos have also been reported to live in the forests around the great lakes. It also is rumored to live as far south as the Great Plains. It usually resides in shallow caves or in dense forests, venturing out only to hunt. Though it is quite rare, Wendigos have been known to (insert ink splot)


A Wendigo is found when a human resorts to cannibalism in an act of desperation. As the legend goes, the first Wendigo was created when a lost hunter's intense hunger drove him to cannibalism during a particularly tough winter. After feasting on another humans flesh, he transformed into a crazed man-beast, roaming the forest in search of more people to eat. Depending on who you ask, some will say it is most relative to Big foot, while others say it is more closely related to the Werewolf.Reports describe that no matter how much a Wendigo eats, it will always be hungry. Hence why it appears so gaunt. Once a Wendigo is able to infiltrate your mind, it will be able to turn you into a Wendigo as well. Installing in you the same lust for human flesh that it has.

Around the Tooth


A Wendigo does have an infectious bite, where a victim will turn into a Wendigo in anywhere from a few days, to a few weeks. Most don't reach this stage, as they are simply devoured. An infection usually occurs when a singular Wendigo attacks a victim but does not finish them off.

A Wendigo is always hungry this is because it grows proportionally to the whatever it had just eaten, therefore making it impossible for the Wendigo to ever be full.

Notes Around the Body

A Wendigo's heart is said to be solide ICE by burning it, you are melting the heart in turn, setting the human inside free.

A Wendigo possesses incredibly sharp claws, that are able to cut through human bones.

A Wendigo is covered in thick, matted fur all over its body.




FIRE: Burn it to death