AVR Programmer Shield

by ohneschuh in Circuits > Arduino

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AVR Programmer Shield


Beside my Arduino instructables I also use pure ATmega328 and ATtiny85 microcontrollers. To program them I normally used a breadboard and the ArduinoISP setup with an Arduino UNO or NANO. But this was not the best solution.

So I build this programmer shield in my typical stripboard layout: Only straight lines - no crossings!

You need these parts:

  • 1x 28 pin socket
  • 1x 8 pin socket
  • 1x push button
  • 1x 16 MHz crystal
  • 1x red LED1x green LED
  • 1x yellow LED
  • Resistors for the LEDs: in my case 2x 220 Ohm (R and Y), 1x 2,2 kOhm (G)
  • 1x 10 kOhm resistor
  • 2x 22pF capacitor
  • 1x 10 µF capacitor
  • 1x male header 8 pins
  • 1x male header 4 pins
  • 1x male header 2 pins
  • 2x female header 14 pins
  • 2x female header 4 pins
  • 1x jumper
  • some colored wires

Here's now the step by step build instruction, not much words needed.

Step 1: the Stripboard


Step 2: Two Hidden Wires


Step 3: the Headers


Because Fritzing has no sockets in the library I used the µCs. The two wire are below the sockets.

Step 4: the Wires


Step 5: Resistors and the Button


Place the resistors by the position of your LED colors. The button is to reset the µCs.

Step 6: Last Parts


Add the LEDs, the capacitors and the crystal.

Step 7: Bend Some Pins


Because of the strange Arduino header layout you have to bend some pins.

Step 8: How to Connect?

Place it on the Arduino shield like this:

  1. Top Right pin: GND
  1. Bottom Left pin: also GND

If you bent the pins right, this should work easily.

Now you program your Arduino with the ArduinoISP example, but the shield on and program your µCs. Only one each time.

Step 9: Nothing to Do - Only the Circuit and the Fritzing File
