Air Washer and Humidity Maker

Today I am making a humidity maker and air cleaner which by the help of fan the air goes inside the box which have dust and particles which stuck to the cd which are rotating inside and then dip in to the water putting the dust particles in to the water and coming back with clean water so it evaporate and make a good humidity and cycle continues ,it is a simple and effective method of making humidifier.
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cpu fan
compact disk
rear wheel rod
gear motor
pvc pipe and it's connectors
Making Rubber Rings
Place any round object on the rubber which is 2 inches and start cutting the shape until it reaches the cd quantity
Making a Cd Drum

Place the rubber and then cd and keep doing until it become a cd durm
Rolling Mechanism

Place the end pvc end cap and put superglue under it and put some sand around so it can attach strongly
Place the Disc drum end point in it and put the 3 inches long pvc pipe piece and 2 inches pipe pvc over it vertically so the disc drum can roll inside of it easily and connect two piece with super glue
Attaching Motor

connect the pvc pipe and connector as shown in the picture It's just a makeshift attempt because it is perfectly working with the motor I have so it can be adjust with the motor you have
I have use the t and u connector and adjust it so the motor can rotate the shaft easily and place the hot glue on the motor shaft and rod
Place the plywood under this build and attach them with hot glue as well
Placing Fan and Finish

Place the fan and mark out the cutting with marker and cut out the marking and put the fan with hot glue
Cut out the exhaust with the soldering iron and place paper cutting so can see the air flow
also I put the hygrometer in front of the exhaust so can check humidity
Now plug the fan and motor and it will start cleaning the air and making humidity
I check it around 8% increasing in humidity it could be much higher if the disc were bigger size or in big in quantity
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