
by jordan_m in Craft > Digital Graphics

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airplane old pic.jpg

We are going to make an airplane that is toy sized. This is a old model airplane and we are going to use onshape and 3D printer to make it.


on shpape pic.png
3d printer.jpg

Computer, OnShape, Websites, 3D Printer. \

Wheel Support

step 1.PNG
step 1 B.PNG

STEP 1: We are going to make the part of the airplane that supports the wheels.

  • First we are going to make a rectangle with the measures shown in the picture (0.875inx0.75in)
  • Then we are going to add a circle 0.25in away from the bottom part of the rectangle and with a measurement of 0.25in.
  • Then add a curve of 0.125in at the bottom angles. (OPTIONAL)
  • Lastly extrude it with a 2in depth going the opposite direction.

Tail Wing

step 2.PNG
step 2 b.PNG

STEP 2: We are going to make of the wings that go on the tail of the airplane.

  • First make a 2inx2in square
  • Then make and arc from the left and right of the square.
  • Lastly extrude it with a 0.25 in depth.

Upper Tail Wing

step 3.PNG
step 3 b.PNG

STEP 3: We make the upper part of the back wing.

  • Make a circle of 1 in.
  • The make the shape under it as shown in the picture (height= 0.75) and the bottom you can adjust to what u need or want.
  • Extrude with a depth of 0.25 in.

Middle Wing

step 4.PNG
step 4 b.PNG

STEP 4: We are going to make the middle wings of the airplane.

  • First make a 8inx2in rectangle and then add an arc in both sides.
  • Make four 0.25in circle 0.5in from the top and bottom at the intersecting line of the rectangle and arc in both sides.
  • Extrude (except the small circles) with a depth of 0.25in.


step 5.PNG
step 5 b.PNG

STEP 5: We are going to make the propeller.

  • Make a 0.5inx3in rectangle and arc the top and bottom.
  • Add a 0.25in circle in the middle
  • Extrude (except the middle circle) with a depth of 0.125in


step 6.PNG
step 6 b.PNG

STEP 6: We are going to make the part that connects the propeller to the airplane.

  • Make a rectangle 0.125inx.0.5in.
  • then go to the right 0.062in from the top part.
  • add 0.187in to left side going up
  • then connect both sides with an arc (it should end up 0.188in)
  • Then click revolve.


step 7.PNG
step 7 b.PNG

STEP 7: We are going to make the wheels.

  • Start by making a 0.1inx0.375in rectangle 0.25in from the middle
  • Make a 0.375in circle at the bottom middle of the rectangle.
  • Then click revolve.


step 8.PNG
step 8 b.PNG
step 8 c.PNG
step 8 d.PNG

STEP 8: We are going to make the body of the airplane.

  • Make a 2inx10in rectangle.
  • Make a little rectangle under it 2in from the left side with the measurement of 0.25inx2in
  • Make a 1in circle 4.5in from the left side
  • Add a line from the top to the right side with a measurement of 4in and 10 degrees. Same thing in the bottom but with 5in instead of 4in.
  • Then extrude symmetrically with a depth of 1.25in
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Create a new sketch a glance the back edges of the plane
  • Make a line from the top back part to the right part of 4.5in with a 5 degree angle, repeat in the bottom part.
  • Extrude and click remove and then click "through all".
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Select chanter and make it a 1in distance and 14 degrees. Then click the front edges.
  • Make a whole of 0.5in in the middle point.
  • Use fillet of 0.125in all over the edges of the plane.

Wheel Completed

Step 10.PNG

STEP 9: We are going to connect step 1 to step 7.

  • This is fairly simple since all we need to use is the "fastened mate" button that connect the wheel to edges of the "box"

Wings Completed

Step 11.PNG

STEP 10: We are going to make the front wings by adding 2 "step 4's" together.

  • Put one wing in top of another symmetrically.
  • Add tubes in every whole there is (4).

Airplane Completed

step 12.PNG

STEP 11: We are going to connect everything to have our plane assemble.

  • There's not much to this step since all you need to do is use the "fastened mate" to connect every piece together like shown in the picture above.
  • You can then go back and change the colors.