Airsoft Bunker

by AshtonP12 in Outside > Launchers

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Airsoft Bunker


In this instructable, I will show you how I made an airsoft bunker.

Get an Old Broken Water Tank


My grandpa had an old, rusty, leaking water tank that he said we could have.

Level Out a Spot for Your Bunker


Measure the water tank, and level out a spot big enough for the tank to sit flat on the ground.

Move the Tank Into Position


Very carefully move the tank into place, making sure its level

Draw Your Designs


We used a trash can lid and a big flower pot to help us draw where the holes and doors would be on the bunker. Make sure you don't cut too many holes, or it won't be structurally sound. Keep in mind, a circle is the strongest shape without losing structural integrity.

Cut Out the Door and Windows


Very carefully cut out the doors and windows for the bunker. We used a Sawzall and a jigsaw to cut out the doors and windows. After everything is cut out use a grinder to eliminate any sharp edges.

Take Pictures of Your Bunker


You need to have momentos of making something so cool right?!

Paint Your Bunker As You Like and Add Accessories


I went with an army paint scheme, since it's for airsoft. We got hunter green spray paint, and white spray paint for the star. I googled a picture of a star and cut out a template to trace it on there. Then we put hinges on the door and a gate handle. This was a super easy fun, easy project that can be customized to your liking. I hope you have as much fun making this project as I did.