Handy Altoids Kit
by The magical duct tape kid in Circuits > USB
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Handy Altoids Kit

This is an awesome Instructable, and a fun kit for ages 8-80.

What you need.
1. Rubber band
2.Swiss army knife
3.Small match book
4. Piece of paper
6.3-4 fish hooks
7. Fishing line (not shown)
8. Altoids tin
9. Piece of match box (optional)
10. Needle (not shown)
1. Rubber band
2.Swiss army knife
3.Small match book
4. Piece of paper
6.3-4 fish hooks
7. Fishing line (not shown)
8. Altoids tin
9. Piece of match box (optional)
10. Needle (not shown)
Folding the Paper

Follow pictures to see how to fold paper. You can pretty much fold it with out instruction but this is extra.
Almost Done

This is a pretty easy Instructable. All this step is is to show you how you can arrage the items.
More Ideas
If YOU want to be on my idea list and you have a good idea leave a comment and I'll put it on the list.
I recommend sealing the edge of the tin with wax, or your matches will be useless.... Also, I recommend you use wax paper for your paper. Jobar007
What about polishing the inside of the lid really smooth and shiny, to use as a signal mirror? you could also put a hole in it, if everything else is waterproof...
Also, how about some fishing line wrapped around the pencil,since its stronger than thread and can be used for stitching anything, even flesh, with the hooks, no need for a needle. and a few small zip ties for sewing just about any rips or tears in straps or clothing. Also, i hate to have to say this, but a small roll of duct tape is indispensable (getting a blister on your heel? put a piece of tape on it!) wrap it around the pencil with the fishing line. Add a pocket saw, small candle, aluminum foil andand a plastic bag, you can do just about anything: make a fishing lure, cook your catch, get fresh water in the desert, build a raft and get off whatever island you're deserted on.
Good instructable, a very good start to something that every camper should have! HAL 9000
While duct tape is a good, temporary solution for a foot blister, I found that it peels the blister skin off when removed. Mole skin works better, or just a plain bandaid. Those are designed to be removed without removing the blister skin.
Also, if you need a bobber simply use a dead, dried piece of stick. It looks natural and should not scare overfished fish. A plastic bottle (unfortunately) can also be found at almost every public boat dock in the US and can be used to wrap fishing line around, and as a bobber. Chuckr44
Instead of matches, I'd recommend having some Swedish Firesteel, as it can make sparks, even when wet. It also will last MUCH longer, you know, if you're not sure how long you'll need fire for.. (it lasts a few thousand strikes.) plus, it's pretty small, I'm sure it would fit in your tin. DemiosOne
I recommend sealing the edge of the tin with wax, or your matches will be useless.... Also, I recommend you use wax paper for your paper. Jobar007
What about polishing the inside of the lid really smooth and shiny, to use as a signal mirror? you could also put a hole in it, if everything else is waterproof...
Also, how about some fishing line wrapped around the pencil,since its stronger than thread and can be used for stitching anything, even flesh, with the hooks, no need for a needle. and a few small zip ties for sewing just about any rips or tears in straps or clothing. Also, i hate to have to say this, but a small roll of duct tape is indispensable (getting a blister on your heel? put a piece of tape on it!) wrap it around the pencil with the fishing line. Add a pocket saw, small candle, aluminum foil andand a plastic bag, you can do just about anything: make a fishing lure, cook your catch, get fresh water in the desert, build a raft and get off whatever island you're deserted on.
Good instructable, a very good start to something that every camper should have! HAL 9000
While duct tape is a good, temporary solution for a foot blister, I found that it peels the blister skin off when removed. Mole skin works better, or just a plain bandaid. Those are designed to be removed without removing the blister skin.
Also, if you need a bobber simply use a dead, dried piece of stick. It looks natural and should not scare overfished fish. A plastic bottle (unfortunately) can also be found at almost every public boat dock in the US and can be used to wrap fishing line around, and as a bobber. Chuckr44
Instead of matches, I'd recommend having some Swedish Firesteel, as it can make sparks, even when wet. It also will last MUCH longer, you know, if you're not sure how long you'll need fire for.. (it lasts a few thousand strikes.) plus, it's pretty small, I'm sure it would fit in your tin. DemiosOne

Go do something and have some fun!!!
I recommend going hiking in The Great Smoky Mountains.
I recommend going hiking in The Great Smoky Mountains.