Anxiety Fidget Ring

I made an anxiety fidget ring, this ring is to calm your nerves, soothe your mind and whether it be in school, at home or out and about, you can bring your ring with you anywhere and its small enough to be concealed. Some more benefits to wearing an anxiety ring is it can help you be more present, and give you a positive association by equating the action of spinning your ring with relaxation. Not only do they help you mentally on the the inside but they are also a suttle touch of appealing jewelry. I suggest making An Anxiety Fidget Ring of your own so you too can also be calm wherever you are.

- Air Dry Clay
- 20 gauge Wire
- scrap wire
- Wire cutters
- Paint
- Bottle nose pliers
The first thing you have to do to make your ring is get your air dry clay. Then take a little piece of clay and roll out a little ball you can make your "beads" any size you want but make sure they aren't too big cause then you won't be able to spin them around. I made mine kinda small. Mine are in the picture and that's how big I made mine.

The next thing you do is put your beads onto your scrap wire and wait for the clay to dry. Once the clay dries over night, you get the color paint you want and put a little pile of it on some newspaper or a paint pallet. Then you dunk it into the paint and twist it around so that it gets all around it and covers the whole thing. Let it dry on the wire overnight.

The next thing you do is get your 20 gauge silver wire and cut a medium length piece with your wire cutters and wrap it around your ring finger, not very tight but just slightly. then you take the dried beads off of the scrap wire and transfer them on to the 20 gauge silver wire.

The last step your going to do is make sure all your beads are on the wire and twist the wire around your finger to make sure it fits then take it off of your finger and twist the excess wire around the sides of the wire and then your done!