Archery Target Stand and Range Plans

by DiyWaterDog in Outside > Hunting

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Archery Target Stand and Range Plans


Learn to make an Archery Target Stand and Range for some great Outside Fun.

Use this great Instructable plan to add to your backyard as a Home Improvement project, or give additional use to your sportsman club.

The purpose of this project was to add more outside amenities to a sportsman club where I belong. We already have a great fishing pond, firearm shooting range, and clubhouse. What we have been lacking was a place to practice our archery skills and teach the skill to youth members.

While I would love to take 100% credit for this project I cannot. The concept I found at by user Weekend Warrior. The Weekend Warrior gave a brief description of the build, but not complete and detailed step-by-step plans as you now have here.

Anyone with some basic carpentry skills should be able to build this in about 2 hours.

I hope others find this helpful to enjoy the great sports of Archery and Bow Hunting.

Materials and Tools

Price List.JPG


Image of materials list shows a price list comparison between 2 local DIY stores to give you an idea on cost.

  • (2) 4x4x10
  • (1) 4x4x8
  • (3) 2x4x8
  • (1) Sheet of clear corrugated roofing material (96")
  • (1) small box 3.5" wood screws
  • (1) small box roofing screws with neoprene collars
  • (6) 6 x 1/2" lag bolts
  • (2) eye bolts
  • (2) S hooks
  • 20 x 20 compound bow field tip target.

The above is the material list for the original plan and design offered at by the Weekend Warrior. Be sure to read the entire Instructable to learn of some afterthought additions to the project to complete the list.


  • Circular Saw or Miter Saw to crosscut boards
  • Utility Knife or Metal Snips for cutting corrugated roofing.
  • Marking pen or pencil
  • Speed square
  • Impact Drive
  • Drill bits, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8
  • Screw driver bit for driving screws
  • .Level
  • Power Grinder
  • Clamp
  • Cutting Wheel
  • 4 lb. hammer
  • Spade Shovel

Cut Feet and Vertical Supports


Use the saw of your choice to cut the 10 foot 4x4's into 5 foot lengths.

You should now have 2 foot supports and 2 vertical supports.

Roof Frame


For this step you will use two of the 2x4's

From the 2x4's cut two lengths at 48" and two lengths at 41 inches.

Using your screw gun and screws built the roof frame to measure 48"x44"

Add Roofing Material


Your frame should now be 48"x44".

Let's add the corrugated roofing.

  1. Using a utility knife or tin snips, cut the 8 foot sheet into (2) 48" lengths.
  2. Lay the roofing on top of the frame.
  3. Overlap the roofing by about 2 roof ribs.
  4. Fasten roofing to frame using 1" roofing screws with neoprene collars.

Base Support Cross Members


Use your last 2x4 and cut into two 41" lengths.

We will use these to connect two of the 5 foot 4x4 supports at base of archery stand.

Screw 2x4's to the 4x4s.

Top Support Cross Member

  1. Cut a 41" length from your third and last 4x4.
  2. Use a 3/8" drill bit to pre-drill through cross member and into top of vertical support.
  3. Drive a lag bolt to fasten each end of the top cross member to the vertical supports.

Attach Foot Supports


Next we will use the other two 5 foot 4x4's to make feet/horizontal supports.

  1. Find center point of your horizontal support
  2. Pre-drill two 3/8" holes
  3. Drive two lag bolts to attach foot to vertical support.
  4. Repeat for other side.

For additional strength and support we recommend toe nailing screws to fasten boards as well.

Install Roof


Decide on a pitch for your roof to allow rain and debris to roll off the roof.

Screw the roof to the top 4x4 support.

Use a few more roofing screws to fasten the roofing material to the top 4x4 support as well.

Install Target Hanging Hardware


Hour hanging field tip target is 20 inches wide.

  1. Find the center point of the 4x4 cross member.
  2. Measure distance from center to anchor points. Our measurements were 10 inches off center.
  3. Pre Drill 1/4 inch holes.
  4. Install eye bolts.
  5. Install S hooks
  6. Install Target.

Almost Done


Well, we are almost done.

The design you see here was the original plan. But after some thought we figured some shooters might like to practice with broad heads or use a larger target for beginners.

So, read on to see our afterthought shelf that we added to the plan. Oh... and notice the bow hook at the top right that we had laying around the garage.

Broad Head Target Shelf


As mentioned in last step, some shooters might prefer a larger target or a target that can accept broad heads. So, we added a shelf that can be used to hold a target after removing the hanging target.

Shelf was built from the following spare lumber I had in my garage attic.

  • (2) 2x4's measuring 25" side supports
  • (5) 1x6's measuring 37" shelf decking
  • (1) 1x6 measuring 25" center support

Build It!

  1. Center and screw supports to vertical supports.
  2. Layout decking and center support
  3. Screw center support to decking
  4. Flip the shelf!

Shelf is done. We will not permanently fasten until we take to range site.

Anchoring System


Another afterthought was to anchor the target stand to the ground. While the unit is fairly heavy, there is a chance a good wind storm could catch under the roofing and blow it over. So, let's anchor it to the ground.

  • Pre drill 2-4 3/8" holes into each foot support
  • Cut 4-8 12" lengths of 1/2 inch rebar.

Let's transport to range and set it up!



As mentioned earlier this is a fairly heavy unit. With two people very easy to load into a truck for transport. One person would be very awkward and challenging due to weight and size.

  1. Set your stand in an area with the desired range you would like to shoot. We set so we would have a 40 yard max shot.
  2. We anchored out stand with 4 pieces of rebar. Two on each foot.
  3. Permanently fasten shelf to side rails.
  4. Mark any important messages on wood to shooters. Just to guide them in the right direction.
    1. Top support: "Field Tip Target"
    2. Shelf: "Broad Point Target".

Range Markers


Had some random pavers laying around to make yardage markers.

  1. Paint top side a bright color.
  2. Bury to ground level.
  3. Paint numbers if you wish.
    1. We did end up placing markers and painting numbers a 10, 20, 30, and 40 yards.

Some Final Images


Just wanted to show some final images of the joints in construction.

At each of these joints we recommend using additional screws toe nailed for strength and stability.

Shoot Outdoors and Have Fun


Now get out there with your favorite archery gear and start shooting!

This range will be used by both experienced and beginner shooters. One more possible addition to this project will be some type of backstop. The current back area is a wooded brushy area. We may pile some straw bales or attach a section of horse mat to the back side to stop any poorly shot arrows and bolts.

As always, VOTE if you feel worthy!

Happy Shooting!