Arduino BiJin ToKei

This instructables show how to use Arduino IDE, ESP32 dev board and ILI9341 LCD to built a photo clock.
What Is BiJin ToKei?

Recap from my previous intructables, ESP32 Photo Clock:
BiJin ToKei(美人時計)start from 2009, they find various beauty hold a time board report time every minute. BiJin ToKei provide web application and mobile app version. After these years, you can find many variant on the web now.
Arduino Version

My previous intructables, ESP32 Photo Clock, works fine. However, the program is built on ESP-IDF. This is a big barrier for the beginner. Since Aruino-esp32 framework is very maturer now, implement a photo clock on Arduino IDE become much easier.

ESP32 Dev Board
Any ESP32 dev board should be ok.
Stacking Header
A 8-pins stacking female header. Bending the long header wire can help to adjust the viewing angle of the LCD.
A 400 tie points breadboard.
Breadboard Wire
Some breadboard jump wire.
LCD Display
This time I am using a 2.8 inches ILI9341 LCD. This program using Arduino_GFX library, so most common SPI LCD Display should be ok.
Arduino_GFX currently support:
- HX8352C 240x400
- HX8357B 320x480
- ILI9225 176x220
- ILI9341 240x320
- ILI9341 M5Stack 320x240
- ILI9486 320x480 (18 bit color)
- SEPS525 160x128
- SSD1331 96x64
- SSD1351 128x128
- SSD1351 128x96
- ST7735 128x128 (various tabs)
- ST7735 128x160 (various tabs)
- ST7735 80x160
- ST7789 240x135
- ST7789 240x240
- ST7789 TTGO T-Watch 240x240
- ST7789 240x320
Plug ESP32 Dev Board on Breadboard

Bend Stacking Header & Plug on LCD

Plug LCD on Breadboard


Use Breadboard jump wire connect LCD and ESP32 dev board together.
Here are the connection summary:
LCD -> ESP32 === ===== Vcc -> 5V pin (or 3.3V pin depends on your LCD display) GND -> GND CS -> GPIO 5 RESET -> GPIO 17 D/C -> GPIO 16 MOSI -> GPIO 23 SCK -> GPIO 18 LED -> GPIO 22 (Optional, some LCD require direct plug LED pin to 3.3V pin to make it brighter)
Software Preparation
Arduino IDE
Download and install Arduino IDE if not yet:
Arduino ESP32 Support
Please follow Installation Instructions at GitHub:
Arduino GFX library
Add Arduino_GFX library to Arduino IDE:
If you are not familiar add library from GitHub, simply press the green "Clone or download" button and then "Download ZIP". And then in Arduino IDE, select Sketch menu -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library... -> select downloaded ZIP file.
Arduino BiJin ToKei Source Code
Download the source code from GitHub:
How It Works?
Here are the program workflow:
- Initial LCD, you may change the pins and driver to fit for your display
Arduino_HWSPI *bus = new Arduino_HWSPI(16 /* DC */, 5 /* CS */, 18 /* SCK */, 23 /* MOSI */, -1 /* MISO */); Arduino_ILI9341 *tft = new Arduino_ILI9341(bus, 17 /* RST */, TFT_ROTATION);
- Connect WiFi, remember fill your WiFi AP settings
#define SSID_NAME "YourAP" #define SSID_PASSWORD "YourPassword"
- Connect NTP server to get the current time, you may change your local NTP server and timezone settings
const char* ntpServer = ""; #define GMT_OFFSET_SEC 28800L // Timezone +0800 #define DAYLIGHT_OFFSET_SEC 0L // no daylight saving
- If minute changed, make a HTTP request to a predefined URL in URL.h. There are many URL in the ToKei list, please read the comments in URL.h for more details.
#define JPG_SCALE JPG_SCALE_NONE #define TFT_ROTATION 0 // portrait #define URL ""
- Get the HTTP response JPEG stream and feed to the esp_jpg_decode
esp_jpg_decode feed the decoded image block to LCD draw function
Open ArduinoBiJinToKei.ino in Arduino IDE, compile and upload the program to ESP32 dev board.
Happy Time!

It's time to put the Arduino BiJin ToKei on your desktop and show off what you have done. Enjoy!