Arduino Library With Robo Wunderkind

by Robo Wunderkind in Circuits > Arduino

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Arduino Library With Robo Wunderkind

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Hello Makers!

Robo Wunderkind has now developed an Arduino library for all the makers out there. It brings the two worlds of Robo Wunderkind and Arduino together. Take a look at this step-by-step instruction and see for yourself how it works! Watch the video to get the visual explanation.

Enjoy :)

What You Need

Wiring Schematic.png

1. Materials Needed:

- Robo Wunderkind Kit

- ESP32 Board

- 1602 LCD Display

- A potentiometer

- A button

- A 10k Resistor

Wiring (See the image attached) 1602 LCD SDA to ESP32 Pin 23 1602 LCD SCL to ESP32 Pin 22 One side of Button to Pin 5, with the 10K resistor from Pin 5 to 3V3 Other side of Button to Ground Pin 1 of Potentiometer to 3V3 Pin 2 of Potentiometer to Pin 32 Pin 3 of Potentiometer to Ground

2. Libraries needed:

- Robo Arduino Library

- LiquidCrystal-I2C

3. Board Package needed:

- ESP32

4. Code - See the .ino file attached

#include #include #include "Robo_BLE.h" #define Robo_Name "Robo Arduino" // change to match the Robo name you wish to connect to #define Button 5 #define Knob 32 // set the LCD number of columns and rows int lcdColumns = 16; int lcdRows = 2; float knob_value = 0; bool led_state = 0; bool button_state = 0; int light = 100; String text1 = " Thank-you KickStarter! "; String text2 = "Thank-you KickStarter! "; // Create Robo_BLE Instance Robo_BLE RW = Robo_BLE(); // Create LCD Instance LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, lcdColumns, lcdRows); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(Button, INPUT); lcd.init(); lcd.backlight(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Initialized"); delay(1000); if(RW.init(Robo_Name)){ // Initialize Robo Serial.println("Robo Connection Success!"); Serial.println(RW.get_firmware_version()); lcd.backlight(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Robo Connected!"); delay(1500); lcd.clear(); // Stagger the same message shifted 1 character across the two displays so it looks like they're working together RW.scroll_text(text2, 1, 1, 25, 9 , 23); RW.scroll_text(text1, 2, 1, 25, 9 , 23); RW.RGB_OFF(1); } else { //BLE Connection failed please check to make sure the Robo Name is correct Serial.println("Robo Connection Failure!"); lcd.backlight(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Connect Fail"); delay(1500); lcd.clear(); } } // Grab data from the sensors void get_states(){ int green = 0; if(digitalRead(Button) == 0 && button_state == 1){ led_state = !led_state; if(led_state == 1) RW.RGB(0,255,0,1); if(led_state == 0) RW.RGB_OFF(1); } button_state = digitalRead(Button); knob_value = ((float)analogRead(Knob)/4095.0)*100; light = RW.get_light_state(1); Serial.println("Button Effect State = " + String(button_state)); Serial.println("LED State = " + String(led_state)); Serial.println("Knob Level = " + String(knob_value)); if(led_state == 1){ green = 255*(float(knob_value)/100.0); Serial.println("Green = " + String(green)); RW.RGB(0,green,0,1); } } // makes sure that each time we write it fills the entire line so we get a seemless transition in values void lcd_write_fill(int num, int room){ uint8_t chars = log10(num)+1; String filler = " "; for(int i = 0; i < (room-chars); i++){ filler += " "; } lcd.print(String(num)+filler); } void loop() { get_states(); // aquire data // Display LED Brightness on first row lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("LED Level: "); lcd.setCursor(11, 0); if(led_state) lcd_write_fill((int)knob_value, 6); else lcd.print("OFF"); // Display Light data on second row lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("Light Val: "); lcd.setCursor(11, 1); lcd_write_fill(light, 6); delay(150); }