Arduino Synthesizer

- This is a multi-voice programmable synthesizer built from an Arduino Pro Micro. The voices come from Arduino output pins programmed to produce square waves and pulse waves. One of these pins is used to subject an external audio input to unique distortions. All the voices are combined with mixer and modulation circuitry creating a wide variety of crazy timbres.
- USB MIDI Control over the Synthesizer can be set up using the USBMIDI.h Library.
- Arduino Pro Micro from Sparkfun Electronics (5volt version).
- A gutted Mix800 Mixer box from Ebay that has most of the needed pots and switches.
- Two LM358 op amp chips
- One Intersil CA3046 NPN transistor chip.
- Sockets for the Pro Micro and the three chips.
- Circuit board.
- Two 5k or 10k pots.
- Two 100k or 50k pots.
- Two red LEDs.
- Two pushbutton switches.
- Misc. resistors and capacitors.
- USB cable for the Arduino.
- Optional 9 volt power wart.
Programming Arduino Voices
Building a multi-voice synthesizer with the Arduino should be fairly easy given all its digital output pins capable of producing square wave and pulse wave audio signals. It even has a tone() function that can easily create a square wave signal at a specified frequency.
tone( pin#, frequency-in-hertz)
However, the tone function can only be used on a single output pin. Getting more than one voice will require some finagling. It can be accomplished by periodically toggling output pins at specific times. To toggle an output pin, you first read its present state and then write in the opposite state as follows :
digitalWrite(voice-pin#, !digitalRead(voice-pin#))
The exclamation point denotes a logical “not” operation, reading the pin state as its opposite state.
Toggling the pin state at equal time periods result in a specific frequency. To get this periodic change, first realize that the Arduino loop() function repeats at a fairly constant rate, and that this rate is pretty fast if the total loop program is short enough.
With an Arduino Uno clock rate of 16MHz, my one synth program loop time turned out to be 44 useconds (44 millionth of a second, or a rate of about 22.7KHz). In order to produce a squarewave at the frequency of 440Hz (key of A) I would have to toggle the pin output every 26 times through the loop. This is easily done in the code by just decrementing a counter, initially set to 26, each time through the loop. When it reaches zero, toggle the voice pin and reset the counter to 26. The equation for calculating this counter value for different frequencies is given here.
The actual counter value for A-440 using the above equation is 25.83, which was rounded up to 26 for our program. This means that the equal-temperament tuning for A-440 will be slightly off. The higher the frequency, the smaller the counter value and the more “off” the tuning will be. For lower frequencies the counter values will be larger resulting in smaller overall errors when rounding off. So, in effect, the tunings for the lower notes will be spot-on, while the upper register tunings will get progressively worse.
Here are the program lines for the voice counter:
// decrement Voice freq counter
//toggle Voice pin when counter reaches zero
if (freq <= 0) {
digitalWrite(Voice_pin#, !digitalRead(Voice_pin#) );
//reload counter from a table or a slider value
freq = voiceCounter; }
This routine can be copied for other output pins and their respective counter values to create an Arduino Synth with any number of output pin voices.
Simple Mixer and Gate

The Arduino voice outputs can be added together with a simple resistor mixer to produce a single output. Each pin output is connected to an equal value resistor. The other sides of the resistors are then connected together to form a single output. The output is then a simple mixed sum of all the voices. One disadvantage with this circuit is that you do lose volume as more voices are added. Three voices will have 1/3 their initial volume, four will have 1/4 the initial volume, and so on.
The sound of squarewaves can get tedious. A diode OR gate circuit is an easy way to add variety in the form of voice modulation. The output of the diode OR gate is basically a pulse waveform that gets more raucous as you add more voices. The gate works by dropping the output low only when all the inputs happen to be low. This is illustrated in the waveform diagram above. VoiceD in the diagram is set to a low frequency to demonstrate how the sound output can be turned off and on, or gated, with a sub-audio frequency.
If a voice is not being used, it is important to set it LOW (digitalWrite(pin#, LOW)) to allow the other voices to sound. If any voice is set HIGH, it will effectively close the gate and turn off the other voices.
Both the Mixer and the Gate circuit can be combined into one circuit with a simple switch. However, a more interesting solution might be to use a waveform pan circuit as shown above. The Mixer and Gate outputs are connected to either end of a potentiometer. With the slider connection as the output, you can continuously pan between the two outputs to get any ratio you want of the two.
To make things even more interesting, consider adding volume controls to each of the inputs.
Enhanced Gate and Mixer Circuits

4-Input Gate Circuit
The circuit shown above is an improved version of the simple Resistor Mixer and Diode Gate circuit. All four inputs now have volume controls which affect the modulation in somewhat complex ways. The 4-transistor gate circuit shown here is actually a NOR gate (negative OR). The output goes high to 5 volts only when all inputs are low; at all other times it remains low at zero volts.
For those interested I can give a simplified description here of how the transistor gate circuit works. Transistors operate in one of three possible states - cutoff, saturation, and active. What follows is a description of what happens in each of these three transistor states and how they affect the final output.
Cutoff State
When a voice input is low near zero volts, which can occur either when the squarewave input goes low or when its volume control is turned down, the transistor is put in the “cutoff state". This is a passive, or do-nothing state. The other transistors are allowed to massage the output in whatever way they want. This transistor will not interfere. When all the gate transistors are in this “cutoff” state, the output just looks like a 4k7 resistor hanging from 5 volts, which is, in effect, a “high” output, hence, the NOR gate definition - the output goes high only when all inputs are low with all the transistors in their cutoff state.
Saturation State
When a voice volume control is turned all the way up and the waveform goes high to 5 volts, the transistor goes into “saturation”. This is a very forceful state because the transistor now actively clamps the output line to zero volts, which is the ground the one transistor lead is connected to. This overrides what all the other transistors are doing. Any input going high will effectively take over the gate output and force it to zero volts.
When all the inputs are turned up in volume, the output waveform is a pulse waveform as illustrated in the Diode Gate waveform diagram, except that the output is now inverted with the pulses going high. The output has only two states, high and low. The transistors will alternate between cutoff (output going high when all of the transistors are in cutoff), and saturation (output going low when any of the transistors are in saturation).
Active State
Here is a condition that is not available with the previously described diode gate circuit and it offers some very interesting output waveforms, one of which is shown on the circuit diagram above.
When a voice volume control is not turned all the way up and the input waveform goes high, the transistor tries to go into “saturation” to pull the output line to zero but it doesn’t have quite enough “juice” or power to get the job done. The transistor is then said to be in its “active” state. It will weakly pull down the output to some voltage between the 5 volt high and zero volt low.
The other transistors can add their effect to this in-between state, either clamping it to ground if in saturation, or pulling it closer to ground if in the active state.
Volume controls set in-between fully off or on, have a somewhat strange effect on the output. The waveform will no longer be a pulse wave, jumping between only two levels, zero and 5 volts. The output highs will still remain at 5 volts, but the lows will step to various levels between zero and 5 volts, like a wacky staircase. For very low input volume control settings on all the inputs, the output lows are no longer way down at zero volts; they are closer to the 5 volt highs, creating a lower peak to peak output volume. For higher input volume settings on all the inputs, the lows steps flirt with getting closer to zero volts, creating a higher peak to peak volume. See above for an example of the output when all the inputs are set at “in-between” volumes. Notice that the maximum highs are at 5 volts, the lowest lows are above the zero-volt floor, and there are lots of different steps in-between.
The enhanced transistor gate design offers the advantage of volume control even in its digitized output form and it also introduces interesting new timbres beyond the usual gated pulse output.
Three Input Mixer with Voice A Distortion
The enhanced mixer circuit, in the circuit diagram above, starts with a simple three input resistor mixer adding together Voices B, C, and D. This is the same circuit shown in the Diode Mixer/Gate except that volume controls have been added to all three inputs. The mixer output will sound like three squarewave inputs mixed together at different levels. The loss in volume associated with any resistor mixer is corrected with an op-amp configuration that has a gain of 4 (obtained from the equation: 1 + 100k/30k).
Now for the fun part. The 3-voice mix from the output of the opamp is applied to a transistor distortion circuit controlled by Voice A. This is similar to the transistor gate circuits above except that the circuit output is connected through a 4k7 resistor to an actual signal instead of just 5 volts. A description of how this distortion circuit works depends on conditions between the mix signal and the VoiceA control signal.
First of all, when the mix signal goes high the transistor circuit will act in exactly the same way as described above in the gate circuit, exhibiting all three transistor states of cutoff, saturation, and active state depending on the voltage of Voice A.
However, when the mix signal is low, or zero volts, the transistor has no voltage to work with and the output will be low no matter what Voice A is doing. A happy consequence of this feature is that any silence in the mix between notes will stay silent. You won’t hear the VoiceA modulating signal between notes in the mix.
When the volume control of Voice A is turned down to zero, the transistor will go into cutoff allowing the output to just follow the mix signal. So if you want to just hear the straight mix of the other 3 voices without any added modulation, just turn down the Voice A control volume.
Slowly turning up the control signal from zero will gradually add more modulation into the output mix. The modulation will have the pitch of Voice A.
A simple switch is used to select between the transistor gate circuit and the modulated mix circuit. A final opamp stage adds volume control to the final signal output.
Analog Input Fuzz Box With Arduino Effect

An analog distortion circuit, shown above, is inserted in one of the voices, Voice D. It can act like a guitar fuzz box for whatever audio source is connected to the input jack. It can also act like another Arduino square wave voice when no external audio signal is present.
Gain Control
The first op-amp stage provides a signal gain adjustable from zero to 10. Ignoring the Offset control for now, the first stage also sits the input signal on 2.5 volts which is midway between the power supply ceiling of 5 volts and floor of zero volts.
The second stage adds distortion by chopping off the tops and bottoms of the signal in various ways. The IN4148 diodes are key to the signal distortion. They are always in one of two states, forward or reverse biased.
Depth Control
The Diodes are "reverse biased" in the middle voltages of the signal, when the signal travels between (2.5v + 0.6v) and (2.5v - 0.6v). In this state the diodes have infinite resistance which effectively cuts out the 10k pot leg of the opamp circuit, leaving only the 50k pot in series with a 4k7 resistor. The 50k 'Depth" pot then provides an adjustable gain from 1 to 10 for the middle of the signal. This basically affects how fast the voltages are rising or falling within the waveform. For example, a triangle wave with slowly rising and falling legs could be turned into a square wave with really fast rising and and falling legs.
Amount Control
When the signal voltage rises above 3.1 volts or below 1.9 volts, one of the Diodes will "turn on" or become "forward biased". When this happens, the resistance of the Diode goes to zero which causes the 10k "Amount" pot to wake up and start affecting the gain of the opamp circuit. With the 10k pot turned low, the gain goes to zero which chops off the top and bottoms of the input signal turning it into more of a square wave heard as a "fuzz". With the 10k pot turned up, the gain is no longer zero. So instead of rudely chopping off the tops and bottoms of the signal, the opamp merely "squishes" them causing less "buzz" in the sound. This effectively creates a "soft" ceiling and floor for the signal tops and bottoms to crash against.
Knowing that the signal peak chopping and squishing happens around 1.9 volts and 3.1 volts, you can visualize that the 50k Depth control is used to push the peaks more or less into these two voltage areas where "nasty" things happen.
Arduino Offset Control
Added to this traditional “fuzz box” circuit is an Arduino output pin connected to an “Offset” control.
Normally we want the audio signal to sit right in the middle of the power supply between zero and 5 volts. For both op amps, a two resistor divider circuit creates a 2.5 voltage that is directly connected to the plus input of the op amp. This effectively sits the signal right in the middle of the power supply range. If the signal peaks try to go above 5 volts or below zero volts, they will get cut off causing distortion. Sitting the signal in the middle gives it the maximum amount of space to oscillate without hitting the ceiling or floor and distorting. But hey! We like distortion so much that we have created our own narrower soft ceiling and floor of 3.1v and 1.9v with the Diodes and have even added an offset circuit on the first stage to mess with the 2.5v level on which the signal normally sits. To get even more manic, we have connected an Arduino pin to the offset control. The Arduino can now be programmed to bounce the input signal up and down crashing against our Diode soft voltage limits.
The Arduino output used for the offset control is a square wave. The sharp transitions of the square wave result in audible clicks in the output. A capacitor across the 10k offset pot would help filter out some of the "clicking". As an afterthought though, a better solution would be to use an Arduino with a DAC output programmed to produce a sinewave type waveform for the offset signal.
So here is how the Arduino Offset Control works.
With no signal on either the input jack or the Arduino pin, the voice output of the op amp should be a voltage of 2.5 volts. Use a voltmeter to adjust the trimmer to get exactly 2.5 volts. However, the signal at the voice D volume control will be sitting at zero volts due to the blocking capacitor.
With no signal on the input jack, Voice D can be made to follow the oscillating offset Arduino pin voltage, acting like the other digital input voices. Turn up the Offset and Depth controls to make this happen.
With an input signal and the Arduino offset pin programmed to oscillate, the offset pot controls how much the input signal is bounced up and down at the frequency of the Arduino offset square wave.
An extra output jack is provided for just the fuzz circuit output.
Arduino Pro Micro Connections

- An Arduino Pro Micro was used for this project. Be sure to get the 5 volt version of the board, not the 3.3 volt version.
- Four pins are connected to the Voice inputs of the Enhanced Mixer/Gate circuit. Note that Voice D goes through the Analog Fuzz circuit first so that it can directly affect an audio signal plugged into the input jack.
- These same output pins could also be sent the simpler resistor mixer and diode gate circuit if you like. The Arduino programs shown below should also work with this simpler circuit.
- It is worth mentioning that another type of Arduino could be used with this project with one complication. Most of the newer Arduinos use 3.3 volt operation voltages. The switches and controller pots would use 3.3 volts also. Our circuit op amps, however, would not do very well with only 3.3 volt power. You would need to find a higher power source for the Mixer/Gate/Distortion circuitry.
- Five pins, to be programmed as ADC analog inputs, are connected to five controller potentiometers.
- Four pins, to be programmed as digital inputs, are connected to 2 slide switches and 2 pushbutton switches.
- Two pins are connected to LED indicator lights.
- The Arduino and Mixer/Gate/Distortion circuit can all be mounted on a small circuit board. Sockets are needed for the Arduino and the three chips. Edge connectors are used to help connect to all the chassis hardware. You will need to have some experience soldering a circuit together from circuit diagrams.
- A USB cable is needed for programming the Arduino. It can also supply the 5 volt power needed for the circuit. As an option, the Pro Micro has a RAW power input pin to connect a 9 volt power supply. The chassis has an on/off switch that can be used with an external supply.
The Box

The chassis I used for this project was a small MIX800 mixer available from Ebay. Using a solder sucker, I removed the circuit board and kept all the pots, switches, and LED indicator lights, plus some of the jacks.
There were 33 connections between the circuit board and the chassis devices. To help manage this rat's nest, I used edge connectors on the circuit board and ribbon cable.
Test Program
<p>/* <br> Arduino Distortion Unit Test Program Continuously print out the values from the 5 pots and 4 switches. </p><p> */ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // CONSTANTS and Variables //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // For use on an Arduino Pro Micro. </p><p>// // ANALOG INPUTS // const int POT1 = A0; //Potentiometer pin numbers const int POT2 = A1; const int POT3 = A2; const int POT4 = A3; const int POT5 = A7;</p><p>int pot1 = 0; int pot2 = 0; int pot3 = 0; int pot4 = 0; int pot5 = 0;</p><p>// //DIGIITAL SWITCHES // const int S1 = 7; //Switch pin numbers const int S2 = 8; const int S3 = 16; const int S4 = 14;</p><p>boolean switch1 = 0; boolean switch2 = 0; boolean pushbutton1 = 0; boolean pushbutton2 = 0;</p><p>// // SYTHESIZER CONSTANTS //</p><p>const int VOICEA = 5; //Voice pin numbers const int VOICEB = 4; const int VOICEC = 2; const int VOICED = 3;</p><p>const int LED1 = 9; //Led pin numbers const int LED2 = 10;</p><p>//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // SETUP() //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>void setup() {</p><p>delay(1000); pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT); //turn on LED1 as power indicator digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);</p><p>pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);</p><p>pinMode(VOICEA, OUTPUT); //Lows enable distortion gates digitalWrite(VOICEA, LOW); pinMode(VOICEB, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICEB, LOW); pinMode(VOICEC, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICEC, LOW); pinMode(VOICED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICED, LOW); </p><p>pinMode(S1, INPUT); // Set up switch inputs with pullup resistors digitalWrite(S1, HIGH); pinMode(S2, INPUT); digitalWrite(S2, HIGH); pinMode(S3, INPUT); digitalWrite(S3, HIGH); pinMode(S4, INPUT); digitalWrite(S4, HIGH); Serial.begin(9600);</p><p>} //End of Setup</p><p>//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // MAIN LOOP //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>void loop() { loadSensors(); Serial.print("pot1 = "); Serial.print(pot1); Serial.print(" pot2 = "); Serial.print(pot2); Serial.print(" pot3 = "); Serial.print(pot3); Serial.print(" pot4 = "); Serial.print(pot4); Serial.print(" pot5 = "); Serial.print(pot5); Serial.print(" ");</p><p> Serial.print(" switches "); Serial.print(switch1); Serial.print(switch2); Serial.print(pushbutton1); Serial.println(pushbutton2);</p><p>// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Voice Tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> tone(VOICEA, (100 + pot1)); // Voice A frequency put on pot 1</p><p>int v = map(pot2, 0, 255, 1, 40); // Voice B frequency put on pot 2 digitalWrite(VOICEB, HIGH); delay(v); digitalWrite(VOICEB, LOW); delay(v);</p><p>} //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // END OF MAIN LOOP //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>void loadSensors(){ // load all current sensor values pot1 = analogRead(POT1); pot2 = analogRead(POT2); pot3 = analogRead(POT3); pot4 = analogRead(POT4); pot5 = analogRead(POT5); switch1 = digitalRead(S1); switch2 = digitalRead(S2); pushbutton1 = digitalRead(S3); pushbutton2 = digitalRead(S4); }</p>
3-Voice Synthesizer Program
<p>/* <br> 3-VOICE ARDUINO SYNTHESIZER 3 squarewave tones produced from Arduino pins Slider1 - Sets Frequency of Tone1 with arduino tone() Slider2 - Sets Frequency of Tone2 Slider3 - Sets Frequency of Tone3 Slider4 - Sets the decrement clock</p><p> Switch1 - turns off or on Tone2 Switch2 - turns off or on Tone3 </p><p>Arduino's tone() function can only be used to set up a squarewave on one output. Two more voices are created from a fast loop clock decrementing two freq values and toggling voice outputs when they reach zero. The freq values determine the frequency of the voices.</p><p> */ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // CONSTANTS and Variables //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // For use on an Arduino Pro Micro. </p><p>// // ANALOG INPUTS // const int POT1 = A0; //Potentiometer pin numbers const int POT2 = A1; const int POT3 = A2; const int POT4 = A3; const int POT5 = A7;</p><p>int pot1 = 0; int pot2 = 0; int pot3 = 0; int pot4 = 0; int pot5 = 0;</p><p>// //DIGIITAL SWITCHES // const int S1 = 7; //Switch pin numbers const int S2 = 8; const int S3 = 16; const int S4 = 14;</p><p>boolean switch1 = 0; boolean switch2 = 0; boolean pushbutton1 = 0; boolean pushbutton2 = 0;</p><p>// // SYTHESIZER CONSTANTS //</p><p>const int VOICEA = 5; //Voice pin numbers const int VOICEB = 4; const int VOICEC = 2; const int VOICED = 3;</p><p>const int LED1 = 9; //Led pin numbers const int LED2 = 10;</p><p>int freq2 = 100; //variables to set voice frequencies int freq3 = 100;</p><p>//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // SETUP() //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>void setup() {</p><p>delay(1000); pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT); //turn on LED1 as power indicator digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);</p><p>pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);</p><p>pinMode(VOICEA, OUTPUT); //Lows enable distortion gate digitalWrite(VOICEA, LOW); pinMode(VOICEB, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICEB, LOW); pinMode(VOICEC, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICEC, LOW); pinMode(VOICED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICED, HIGH); </p><p> // Set up switch inputs with pullup resistors <p>pinMode(S1, INPUT);</p>digitalWrite(S1, HIGH); pinMode(S2, INPUT); digitalWrite(S2, HIGH); pinMode(S3, INPUT); digitalWrite(S3, HIGH); pinMode(S4, INPUT); digitalWrite(S4, HIGH); Serial.begin(9600);</p><p>} //End of Setup</p><p>//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // MAIN LOOP //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>void loop() { tone(VOICEA, (analogRead(POT1) << 2)); // set frequency of Voice1 using tone( ) delayMicroseconds(analogRead(POT4) << 4); // wait before continuing, sets main loop clock</p><p> freq2 = voiceRun(digitalRead(S1), VOICEC, freq2, POT2); // Voice2 </p><p> freq3 = voiceRun(digitalRead(S2), VOICEB, freq3, POT3); // Voice3 } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // END OF MAIN LOOP //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> int voiceRun(bool off_on, int voicePin, int freq, int potPin){ if (off_on) { digitalWrite(voicePin, LOW); } else{ --freq; if (freq <= 0){ digitalWrite(voicePin, !digitalRead(voicePin)); freq = analogRead(potPin) >> 4; } } return freq; } </p><p> //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p>
Random Notes Program
<p>/* <br> 3-VOICE ARDUINO SYNTHESIZER 3 squarewave tones randomly produced from Arduino pins. Pot1 - Sets base Frequency of Voice B Pot2 - Sets Frequency Range of Voice B Pot3 - Sets base Frequency of Voice C Pot4 - Sets Frequency Range of Voice C</p><p> Switch1 - Selects between Pot5 setting the frequency of Voice A or setting overall note durations Switch2 - Stops everything at current sounding voices</p><p>Arduino's tone() function can only be used to set up a squarewave on one output. Two more voices are created from the fast loop clock decrementing two freq values and toggling voice outputs when they reach zero. The freq values determine the frequency of the voices.</p><p> */ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // CONSTANTS and Variables //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // For use on an Arduino Pro Micro. </p><p>// // ANALOG INPUTS // const int POT1 = A0; //Potentiometer pin numbers const int POT2 = A1; const int POT3 = A2; const int POT4 = A3; const int POT5 = A7;</p><p>int pot1 = 0; int pot2 = 0; int pot3 = 0; int pot4 = 0; int pot5 = 0;</p><p>// //DIGIITAL SWITCHES // const int S1 = 7; //Switch pin numbers const int S2 = 8; const int S3 = 16; const int S4 = 14;</p><p>boolean switch1 = 0; boolean switch2 = 0; boolean pushbutton1 = 0; boolean pushbutton2 = 0;</p><p>// // SYTHESIZER CONSTANTS //</p><p>const int VOICEA = 5; //Voice pin numbers const int VOICEB = 4; const int VOICEC = 2; const int VOICED = 3;</p><p>const int LED1 = 9; //Led pin numbers const int LED2 = 10;</p><p>int freqA = 100; //variables to set voice frequencies int freqB = 100; int freqC = 100; int freqD = 100;</p><p>int countA = 100; int countB = 100; int countC = 100; int countD = 100;</p><p>long A_on =0; long B_on =0; long C_on =0; long D_on =0;</p><p>long A_off = 100; long B_off = 100; long C_off = 100; long D_off = 100;</p><p>long dur = 100; bool stopV = 0;</p><p>//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // SETUP() //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>void setup() {</p><p>delay(1000); pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT); //turn on LED1 as power indicator digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);</p><p>pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);</p><p>pinMode(VOICEA, OUTPUT); //Lows enable distortion gate digitalWrite(VOICEA, LOW); pinMode(VOICEB, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICEB, LOW); pinMode(VOICEC, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICEC, LOW); pinMode(VOICED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICED, LOW); </p><p>pinMode(1, INPUT); // Set up switch inputs with pullup resistors digitalWrite(S1, HIGH); pinMode(S2, INPUT); digitalWrite(S2, HIGH); pinMode(S3, INPUT); digitalWrite(S3, HIGH); pinMode(S4, INPUT); digitalWrite(S4, HIGH);</p><p>} //End of Setup</p><p>//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // MAIN LOOP //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>void loop() {</p><p>//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // VOICE A //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>if (digitalRead(S1)){ // divide up use of pot5 with Switch1 dur = analogRead(POT5) >> 3; //set envelope durations } else{ tone(VOICEA, (50 + analogRead(POT5))); // set frequency of VoiceA using tone } </p><p> //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // VOICE B //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>if (B_on != 0){ // if Voice is on, sounding if (stopV) {--B_on ;} --countB; // run the voice frequency toggling routine if (countB <= 0){ digitalWrite(VOICEB, !digitalRead(VOICEB)); countB = freqB; } if (B_on == 0){ // turn off voice if at end of on-duration digitalWrite(VOICEB, LOW); B_off = random(1, dur) << 4 ; // get random 8 bit duration for B off time freqB = getFreqB(); // get new random frequency for voice } }</p><p>// ------------ </p><p>else if (B_off != 0){ // if Voice is off, not sounding --B_off; if (B_off == 0){ // turn on voice if at end of off-duration B_on = random(1, dur) << 4 ; // get random duration for on time } } </p><p>//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // VOICE C //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>if (C_on != 0){ // if Voice is on, sounding if (stopV){--C_on ;} --countC; // run the voice frequency toggling routine if (countC <= 0){ digitalWrite(VOICEC, !digitalRead(VOICEC)); countC = freqC; } if (C_on == 0){ // turn off voice if at end of on-duration digitalWrite(VOICEC, LOW); C_off = random(1, dur) << 4 ; // get random 8 bit duration for B off time freqC = getFreqC(); // get new random frequency for voice } }</p><p>// ------------ </p><p>else if (C_off != 0){ // if Voice is off, not sounding --C_off; if (C_off == 0){ // turn on voice if at end of off-duration C_on = random(1, dur) << 4 ; // get random duration for on time } }</p><p> // ------------Switch2 stops everything to sounding notes--------------------- stopV = digitalRead(S3); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // END OF MAIN LOOP //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>int getFreqB() { // getting random frequency for Voices int basefreq = analogRead(POT3) >> 4; int result = basefreq + random(analogRead(POT4) >> 3); // range of frequencies around the base return result; }</p><p>int getFreqC() { // getting random frequency for Voices int basefreq = analogRead(POT1) >> 4; int result = basefreq + random(analogRead(POT2) >> 3); // range of frequencies around the base return result; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p>
MIDI Input Program
The Arduino Pro Micro can be used as a USB MIDI device using the Library USBMIDI.h In fact, any Arduino board that uses the ATmega32U4 processor has HID capabilities and thus can be set up as a MIDI device over USB.
This program sets up MIDI control over Voices B, C, and D using MIDI NoteOn and NoteOff commands. Voice A is used to modulate the other voices. It uses the Arduino tone( ) function and a pot to control its frequency.
Equal Temperament Tuning for the voices is calculated from the equation, (loop-Frequency)/(2 * MIDI-Note-Frequency), and entered into a 128 element freq matrix. The MIDI-Note-Frequencies is set up in another 128 element matrix which can be accessed by the tone( ) command for one voice if desired. The tone( ) command will give you perfect tunings (except for very low pitches), but it can only be used for one voice. Tuning for the other voices depend on the main loop speed (see equation above) and will be off for the higher pitches. Future faster Arduino boards will greatly help this tuning problem.
With this program, your Synthesizer will show up as an Arduino MIDI device when its USB is connected to your computer. Connect any USB MIDI keyboard to your computer to control control the Synthesizer from the MIDI keyboard. You will need some way of connecting the output of the USB Keyboard to the USB Arduino MIDI device input. This may require a special app on your computer. MidiPipe can be used on a Mac. Create a Pipe with the Tools "MIDI In" at the top followed by "MIDI Out". Select your MIDI keyboard from "MIDI In" and the Arduino from "MIDI Out".
<p>/* <br> Arduino Distortion Synthesizer MIDI Program Uses MIDIUSB.h library to receive MIDI commands over the USB cable Works with all Arduinos that have the ATmega32U4 processor. These have HID capabilities.</p><p> VoiceA is used to modulate the other three voices. It uses the tone( ) function Voices B, C, and D are controlled from a USB MIDI keyboard.</p><p> */ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // CONSTANTS and Variables //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // For use on an Arduino Pro Micro. </p><p>#include "MIDIUSB.h"</p><p>// // ANALOG INPUTS // const int POT1 = A0; //Potentiometer pin numbers const int POT2 = A1; const int POT3 = A2; const int POT4 = A3; const int POT5 = A7;</p><p>int pot1 = 0; int pot2 = 0; int pot3 = 0; int pot4 = 0; int pot5 = 0;</p><p>// //DIGIITAL SWITCHES // const int S1 = 7; //Switch pin numbers const int S2 = 8; const int S3 = 16; const int S4 = 14;</p><p>boolean switch1 = 0; boolean switch2 = 0; boolean pushbutton1 = 0; boolean pushbutton2 = 0;</p><p>// // SYTHESIZER CONSTANTS //</p><p>const int VOICEA = 5; //Voice pin numbers const int VOICEB = 4; const int VOICEC = 2; const int VOICED = 3;</p><p>const int LED1 = 9; //Led pin numbers const int LED2 = 10;</p><p>// Table for the countdown values used to set equal temperament frequecies for Voices B, C and D // Values calculated in a spreadsheet: (loop-Frequency)/(2 * MIDI-Note-Frequency) // Recalculate for different loop-frequencies. Tuning is off for the higher keys. </p><p>/* unsigned long MIDI_Note_Freq[128] = {8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 44, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58, 62, 65, 69, 73, 78, 82, 87, 92, 98, 104, 110, 117, 123, 131, 139, 147, 156, 165, 175, 185, 196, 208, 220, 233, 247, 262, 277, 294, 311, 330, 349, 370, 392, 415, 440, 466, 494, 523, 554, 587, 622, 659, 698, 740, 784, 831, 880, 932, 988, 1047, 1109, 1175, 1245, 1319, 1397, 1480, 1568, 1661, 1760, 1865, 1976, 2093, 2217, 2349, 2489, 2637, 2794, 2960, 3136, 3322, 3520, 3729, 3951, 4186, 4435, 4699, 4978, 5274, 5588, 5920, 5920, 6645, 7040, 7459, 7902, 8372, 8870, 9397, 9956, 10548, 11175, 11840, 12544}; */</p><p>unsigned long freqTable[128] = {1389, 1312, 1238, 1169, 1103, 1042, 983, 928, 875, 826, 780, 736, 695, 656, 619, 584, 552, 521, 492, 464, 438, 413, 390, 368, 348, 328, 310, 292, 276, 260, 246, 232, 219, 207, 195, 184, 174, 164, 155, 146, 138, 130, 123, 116, 109, 103, 98, 92, 87, 82, 77, 73, 69, 65, 61, 58, 55, 52, 49, 46, 43, 41, 39, 37, 34, 33, 31, 29, 27, 26, 24, 23, 22, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 14, 13, 12, 12, 11, 10, 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; </p><p>//current note on's for Arduino pin voices A, B, and C. Use note value 0 for "not on". </p><p>byte CurrentNoteOn[3] = {0, 0, 0}; </p><p>int freqA = 100; //variables to set voice frequncies int freqB = 100; int freqC = 100; int freqD = 100;</p><p>unsigned long deltamicro = 0; unsigned long lastmicro = 0;</p><p>//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // SETUP() //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>void setup() {</p><p>delay(1000); tone(VOICEA, 64, 200); tone(VOICEA, 164, 200); pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT); //turn on LED1 as power indicator digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);</p><p>pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);</p><p>pinMode(VOICEA, OUTPUT); //Lows enable distortion gates digitalWrite(VOICEA, LOW); pinMode(VOICEB, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICEB, LOW); pinMode(VOICEC, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICEC, LOW); pinMode(VOICED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICED, LOW); </p><p>pinMode(S1, INPUT); // Set up switch inputs with pullup resistors digitalWrite(S1, HIGH); pinMode(S2, INPUT); digitalWrite(S2, HIGH); pinMode(S3, INPUT); digitalWrite(S3, HIGH); pinMode(S4, INPUT); digitalWrite(S4, HIGH); // Serial.begin(115200); //Used to read loop time </p><p>} //End of Setup</p><p>//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // MAIN LOOP //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>void loop() {</p><p>// deltamicro = micros() - lastmicro; //Used to read loop time (44usec with an arduino Mega board ??) // lastmicro = micros(); // Loop Frequency = 1/deltamicro (deltamicro is in microseconds)</p><p>// Arduino's tone() function can only be used to set up a squarewave on one output - VoiceA. // Three more voices are created from a fast loop time decrementing "freq" values and toggling voice outputs // when they reach zero. The "freq" values determine the frequency of the voices.</p><p>//VoiceA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tone(VOICEA, (50 + analogRead(POT5))); // set frequency of VoiceA using tone, used as modulator </p><p> //VoiceB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> if (CurrentNoteOn[0] != 0) { --freqB; // decrement Voice B freqB counter if (freqB <= 0){ digitalWrite(VOICEB, !digitalRead(VOICEB)); //toggle Voice B pin when counter reaches zero freqB = freqTable[CurrentNoteOn[0]]; //reload counter from table } } //VoiceC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> if (CurrentNoteOn[1] != 0) { // same as above for Voice C --freqC; if (freqC <= 0){ digitalWrite(VOICEC, !digitalRead(VOICEC)); freqC = freqTable[CurrentNoteOn[1]]; } } </p><p> //VoiceD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> if (CurrentNoteOn[2] != 0) { // same as above for Voice D --freqD; if (freqD <= 0){ digitalWrite(VOICED, !digitalRead(VOICED)); freqD = freqTable[CurrentNoteOn[2]]; } } </p><p>//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>midiEventPacket_t rx =;</p><p> switch (rx.header) { case 0: break; //No pending events case 0x9: //NoteOn</p><p> //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Serial.println(deltamicro); //used to find the loop time in microseconds</p><p> if (rx.byte3 == 0){ // Note OFF, note velocity of zero. for (int x = 0; x < 3; x ++){ // search through the 3 Arduino pin voices if (CurrentNoteOn[x] == rx.byte2){ // voice playing to turn off?</p><p> switch (x) { case 0: CurrentNoteOn[x] = 0; digitalWrite(VOICEB, LOW); break; case 1: CurrentNoteOn[x] = 0; digitalWrite(VOICEC, LOW); break; case 2: CurrentNoteOn[x] = 0; digitalWrite(VOICED, LOW); break; } // end of switch } // end of Note check } // end of for loop } else{ //Note ON, note velocity not zero for (int x = 0; x < 3; x ++){ // search through the 3 Arduino pin voices if (CurrentNoteOn[x] == 0){ // this voice is available CurrentNoteOn[x] = rx.byte2; //pitch break; // break out of voice search loop } // end of Note On check } // end of for loop } break; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> case 0x8: // Note Off</p><p> //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> for (int x = 0; x < 3; x ++){ // search through the 3 AY voices</p><p> if (CurrentNoteOn[x] == rx.byte2){ // which voice is playing the note to turn off?</p><p> switch (x) { case 0: CurrentNoteOn[x] = 0; digitalWrite(VOICEB, LOW); break; case 1: CurrentNoteOn[x] = 0; digitalWrite(VOICEC, LOW); break; case 2: CurrentNoteOn[x] = 0; digitalWrite(VOICED, LOW); break; } // end of switch } // end of Note check</p><p> } // end of for loop break; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ case 0xB: // control Change break; default: break; } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // END OF MAIN LOOP //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p>
MIDI Recorder Program
This program builds on the previous MIDI Program by adding performance recording and playback capabilities. Throw the Record Switch to record up to 50 MIDI events and their times. Throw the Playback switch to continuously repeat the recorded material. Notes can be played live over the playback when voices are available.
<p>/* <br> Arduino Distortion Unit MIDI Program Uses MIDIUSB.h library to run MIDI commands over the USB cable Works with all Arduinos that have the ATmega32U4 processor. These have HID capabilities. VoiceA is used to modulate the other three voices. It uses the tone( ) function Voices B, C, and D are controlled from a USB MIDI keyboard.</p><p> Switch 1 (lower) can be turned on to record up to 50 note events and times. Switch 2 (upper) can be turned on to play back the recorded notes. */ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // CONSTANTS and Variables //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // For use on an Arduino Pro Micro. </p><p>#include "MIDIUSB.h"</p><p>// // ANALOG INPUTS // const int POT1 = A0; //Potentiometer pin numbers const int POT2 = A1; const int POT3 = A2; const int POT4 = A3; const int POT5 = A7;</p><p>int pot1 = 0; int pot2 = 0; int pot3 = 0; int pot4 = 0; int pot5 = 0;</p><p>// //DIGIITAL SWITCHES // const int S1 = 7; //Switch pin numbers const int S2 = 8; const int S3 = 16; const int S4 = 14;</p><p>boolean switch1 = 0; boolean switch2 = 0; boolean pushbutton1 = 0; boolean pushbutton2 = 0;</p><p>// // SYTHESIZER CONSTANTS //</p><p>const int VOICEA = 5; //Voice pin numbers const int VOICEB = 4; const int VOICEC = 2; const int VOICED = 3;</p><p>const int LED1 = 9; //Led pin numbers const int LED2 = 10;</p><p>//tone() frequency values for equal temperament A440 MIDI NoteON commands. Used for VoiceA</p><p>// Note the limitations of tone() which at 16mhz specifies a minimum frequency of 31hz - in other words, notes below // B0 will play at the wrong frequency since the timer can't run that slowly!</p><p>unsigned long toneFreq[128] = {8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 44, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58, 62, 65, 69, 73, 78, 82, 87, 92, 98, 104, 110, 117, 123, 131, 139, 147, 156, 165, 175, 185, 196, 208, 220, 233, 247, 262, 277, 294, 311, 330, 349, 370, 392, 415, 440, 466, 494, 523, 554, 587, 622, 659, 698, 740, 784, 831, 880, 932, 988, 1047, 1109, 1175, 1245, 1319, 1397, 1480, 1568, 1661, 1760, 1865, 1976, 2093, 2217, 2349, 2489, 2637, 2794, 2960, 3136, 3322, 3520, 3729, 3951, 4186, 4435, 4699, 4978, 5274, 5588, 5920, 5920, 6645, 7040, 7459, 7902, 8372, 8870, 9397, 9956, 10548, 11175, 11840, 12544};</p><p>// Table for the countdown values used to set equal temperament frequecies for Voices B and C // Values calculated in a spreadsheet: (loop-Frequency)/(2 * MIDI-Note-Frequency) </p><p>unsigned long freqTable[128] = {1389, 1312, 1238, 1169, 1103, 1042, 983, 928, 875, 826, 780, 736, 695, 656, 619, 584, 552, 521, 492, 464, 438, 413, 390, 368, 348, 328, 310, 292, 276, 260, 246, 232, 219, 207, 195, 184, 174, 164, 155, 146, 138, 130, 123, 116, 109, 103, 98, 92, 87, 82, 77, 73, 69, 65, 61, 58, 55, 52, 49, 46, 43, 41, 39, 37, 34, 33, 31, 29, 27, 26, 24, 23, 22, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 14, 13, 12, 12, 11, 10, 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; </p><p>byte eventNotes[50] = {0}; //holds recorded Midi Input NoteOn unsigned long eventTimes[50] = {0}; //holds recorded times of Notes byte eventVelocity[50] = {0}; // holds recorded note velocities byte eventVoice[50] = {0}; // holds recorded voice assignment of notes</p><p>unsigned long eventTime = 0; unsigned long startTime = 0; // created by timestamp() int currentTime = 0;</p><p>int eventIndex = 0; // holds position within the 4 record arrays bool record = 0; bool playback = 0;</p><p>//current note on's for Arduino pin voices A, B, and C. Use note value 0 for "not on". </p><p>byte CurrentNoteOn[3] = {0, 0, 0}; </p><p>int freqA = 100; //variables to set voice frequencies int freqB = 100; int freqC = 100; int freqD = 100;</p><p>unsigned long deltamicro = 0; unsigned long lastmicro = 0;</p><p>//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // SETUP() //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>void setup() {</p><p>delay(1000); tone(VOICEA, 64, 200); delay(300); tone(VOICEA, 164, 200); pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT); //turn on LED1 as power indicator digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);</p><p>pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);</p><p>pinMode(VOICEA, OUTPUT); //Lows enable distortion gates digitalWrite(VOICEA, LOW); pinMode(VOICEB, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICEB, LOW); pinMode(VOICEC, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICEC, LOW); pinMode(VOICED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VOICED, LOW); </p><p>pinMode(S1, INPUT); // Set up switch inputs with pullup resistors digitalWrite(S1, HIGH); pinMode(S2, INPUT); digitalWrite(S2, HIGH); pinMode(S3, INPUT); digitalWrite(S3, HIGH); pinMode(S4, INPUT); digitalWrite(S4, HIGH); // Serial.begin(115200); //Used to read loop time </p><p>} //End of Setup</p><p>//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // MAIN LOOP //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>void loop() {</p><p>// deltamicro = micros() - lastmicro; //Used to read loop time (44usec with an arduino Mega board ??) // lastmicro = micros(); // Loop Frequency = 1/deltamicro (deltamicro is in microseconds)</p><p>// Arduino's tone() function can only be used to set up a squarewave on one output - VoiceA. // Two more voices are created from a fast loop time decrementing two "freq" values and toggling voice outputs // when they reach zero. The "freq" values determine the frequency of the voices.</p><p>//VoiceA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tone(VOICEA, (50 + analogRead(POT5))); // set frequency of VoiceA using tone, used as modulator </p><p> //VoiceB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> if (CurrentNoteOn[0] != 0) { --freqB; // decrement Voice B freqB counter if (freqB <= 0){ digitalWrite(VOICEB, !digitalRead(VOICEB)); //toggle Voice B pin when counter reaches zero freqB = freqTable[CurrentNoteOn[0]]; //reload counter from table } } else { digitalWrite(VOICEB, LOW); } //VoiceC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> if (CurrentNoteOn[1] != 0) { // same as above for Voice C --freqC; if (freqC <= 0){ digitalWrite(VOICEC, !digitalRead(VOICEC)); freqC = freqTable[CurrentNoteOn[1]]; } } else { digitalWrite(VOICEC, LOW); } //VoiceD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> if (CurrentNoteOn[2] != 0) { // same as above for Voice D --freqD; if (freqD <= 0){ digitalWrite(VOICED, !digitalRead(VOICED)); freqD = freqTable[CurrentNoteOn[2]]; } } else { digitalWrite(VOICED, LOW); } </p><p>//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //---------------Playback of Notes[] at Times []----------------------------- //</p><p> while (playback) { currentTime = dur(); while (eventTimes[eventIndex] <= currentTime){ playEvent(eventNotes[eventIndex], eventVelocity[eventIndex], eventVoice[eventIndex]); eventIndex = eventIndex + 1; if (eventNotes[eventIndex] == 255){ // no more recorded notes eventIndex = 0; // rewind to beginning timestamp(); break; } // end of rewind } // end of while break; } //end of while playback</p><p>//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>//--------------switches used to start and stop record or playback -------------</p><p>//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> if (digitalRead(S1) && !record) { //start record playback = 0; record = 1; digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH); eventIndex = 0; for (int i=0; i < 50; i++){ eventNotes[i] = 255; eventTimes[i] = 0; } timestamp(); }</p><p> else if (!digitalRead(S1) && record){ //stop record playback = 0; record = 0; digitalWrite(LED2, LOW); } else if (digitalRead(S2) && !playback){ //start playback record = 0; digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH); playback = 1; eventIndex = 0; timestamp(); } else if (!digitalRead(S2) && playback){ //stop playback record = 0; digitalWrite(LED2, LOW); playback = 0; CurrentNoteOn[0] = 0; CurrentNoteOn[1] = 0; CurrentNoteOn[2] = 0; } </p><p>midiEventPacket_t rx =;</p><p> switch (rx.header) { case 0: break; //No pending events case 0x9: //NoteOn</p><p> //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Serial.println(deltamicro); //used to find the loop time in microseconds</p><p> if (rx.byte3 == 0){ // Note OFF, note velocity of zero. for (int x = 0; x < 3; x ++){ // search through the 3 Arduino pin voices if (CurrentNoteOn[x] == rx.byte2){ // voice playing to turn off?</p><p> switch (x) { case 0: CurrentNoteOn[x] = 0; digitalWrite(VOICEB, LOW); if (record){ loadEventArrays(rx.byte2, rx.byte3, x); } break; case 1: CurrentNoteOn[x] = 0; digitalWrite(VOICEC, LOW); if (record){ loadEventArrays(rx.byte2, rx.byte3, x); } break; case 2: CurrentNoteOn[x] = 0; digitalWrite(VOICED, LOW); if (record){ loadEventArrays(rx.byte2, rx.byte3, x); } break; } // end of switch } // end of Note check } // end of for loop } else{ //Note ON, note velocity not zero for (int x = 0; x < 3; x ++){ // search through the 3 Arduino pin voices if (CurrentNoteOn[x] == 0){ // this voice is available CurrentNoteOn[x] = rx.byte2; //pitch if (record){ loadEventArrays(rx.byte2, rx.byte3, x); } break; // break out of voice search loop } // end of Note On check } // end of for loop } break; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> case 0x8: // Note Off</p><p> //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p> for (int x = 0; x < 3; x ++){ // search through the 3 AY voices</p><p> if (CurrentNoteOn[x] == rx.byte2){ // which voice is playing the note to turn off?</p><p> switch (x) { case 0: CurrentNoteOn[x] = 0; digitalWrite(VOICEB, LOW); if (record){ loadEventArrays(rx.byte2, 0, 0); } break; case 1: CurrentNoteOn[x] = 0; digitalWrite(VOICEC, LOW); if (record){ loadEventArrays(rx.byte2, 0, 1); } break; case 2: CurrentNoteOn[x] = 0; digitalWrite(VOICED, LOW); if (record){ loadEventArrays(rx.byte2, 0, 2); } break; } // end of switch } // end of Note check</p><p> } // end of for loop break; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ case 0xB: // control Change break; default: break; } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // END OF MAIN LOOP //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Event Functions //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>void loadEventArrays(int note, int velocity, int voice){ eventTimes[eventIndex] = dur(); eventNotes[eventIndex] = note; eventVelocity[eventIndex] = velocity; eventVoice[eventIndex] = voice; eventIndex = eventIndex + 1; }</p><p>void playEvent(int n, int v, int voice){ switch (voice) { case 0: if (v == 0) {CurrentNoteOn[0] = 0;} else {CurrentNoteOn[0] = n;} break; case 1: if (v == 0) {CurrentNoteOn[1] = 0;} else {CurrentNoteOn[1] = n;} break; case 2: if (v == 0) {CurrentNoteOn[2] = 0;} else {CurrentNoteOn[2] = n;} break; } // end of switch }</p><p>//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // TIMER Loop Functions // ______________________________________________________________________________</p><p>void timestamp() {startTime = millis(); }; // store current time from the running clock millis()</p><p>unsigned long dur(){ return (millis() - startTime); } // returns the current time minus the last store timestamp</p><p>void waitTill(unsigned long msec) { while (dur() < msec) {}; } //wait till the time duration from timestamp equals the given time in msec</p><p>// ______________________________________________________________________________</p>