Arduino Weather Station (AWS)

by AdrieSentosa in Circuits > Arduino

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Arduino Weather Station (AWS)


In this project, we will be making a weather station that measures air pressure, temperature, rain drop, soil humidity and air humidity using Arduino which save the data for data acquisition!

It’s a fairly easy project and can be used either on its own or part of something bigger, check it out >> Integrated Weather Station (IWS).

List of Material

List of Hardware.jpg

For this project, we will be using:

- Arduino boards (mine Arduino Uno Rev3)

- DHT11 Humidity and temperature sensor cost: ~5.00 USD

- BMP185 Barometer sensor cost: ~6.00 USD

- Rain Drop sensor module cost:~2.00 USD

- Soil Humidity sensor module cost:~2.00 USD

- Breadboard or Custom ProtoShield (Check it out how to make it >> )

- Jumper Wire

Hardware Connections

AWS_Ardu_bb - 1.png

In general, the connections are very simple. Follow the instructions and images above, and you should have no problems.

Connecting Rain Drop Module

  • the VCC pin on Arduino’s 5V output
  • the GND pin to Arduino’s GND and
  • the Analog Data to Arduino's analog pin 0

Connecting Soil Humidity Module

  • the VCC pin on Arduino’s 5V output
  • the GND pin to Arduino’s GND and
  • the Analog Data to Arduino's analog pin 1

Connecting BMP185

  • the VCC pin on Arduino’s 3.3V output
  • the GND pin to Arduino’s GND
  • the SDA (Serial Data Line) pin to Arduino’s analog pin 4 and
  • the SCL (Serial Clock Line) pin to Arduino’s analog pin 5

Connecting DHT11

  • the VCC pin on Arduino’s 5V output
  • the GND pin to Arduino’s GND and
  • the DATA pin to Arduino’s digital pin 4

Arduino Programming


Below is the Arduino Weather Station code. Include the library from AWS_library.rar, upload the code to your Arduino (Mine Arduino Uno Rev3), and you should have no problems.

You can clone and edit the code in any way you prefer.



Power through batteries or a plug and you’re good to go.

After making sure that everything works smoothly, you can take this project into bigger project. Check it out >> Integrated Weather Station(IWS) !