Art Made From Nothing

by 286102 in Craft > Art

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Art Made From Nothing


art is awsome


-card board 2

-paint sticks 10

-different colored paints

-paint brushes 2

-pop bottles 20


-hot glue

Step 1


get 1 of your card board box's and 4 paint sticks also your hot glue gun.

hot glue the sticks on the card board like I have in the picture.when you are done with that move onto the next step.

Step 2


grab the thing we just did and get 2 paint sticks and hot glue gun and put the to stick s in the top 2 corners of1 of the 4 paint sticks when you are done move onto the next step.

Step 3


get what you did in the last step and get a paint brush and paint and paint the front green a light green once you are done with that go on to the next step.

Step 4

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get your other piece of card board and hot glue gun and news paper cut news paper into strips and glue on.

Step 5


get what we did in the last step and paint it when you are done with that please move on to the next step.

Step 6

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get the green card board and what we did in the last step and hot glue together like in the picture.

Step 7


next get your pop bottles and cut them up like in the picture once done move onto the next step.

Step 8


last but not least glue the bottles on the tree like in the tree.

then you are done.