At a Glance Wallet
Want a really cool wallet that can hold ur money credit cards or even your id. Well look no further this Instructable will show you how to make a see through wallet.
What you need:
*See through tape [ I forgot that]
*A x-acto knife or scissors
*2 small snack bags
*Permanent Marker
*Credit card or ID [for measuring]
*And 1 bill [money]
*See through tape [ I forgot that]
*A x-acto knife or scissors
*2 small snack bags
*Permanent Marker
*Credit card or ID [for measuring]
*And 1 bill [money]
Mesuring and Cutting
Measure the size of the bill on the snack bag the adding a few centemeters draw a line around it. For me I picked a snck bag that was just about the size of the bill so all i had to do was cut the top. Once it mesured cut just at the bottom of the black line so u see no trace that the line was there.
Credit Card Slots
Now that you have the wallet mesured u can add credit card and ID slots. First using the second paper bag trace the credit card with permanent marker. Then cut it out. once u have the plastic cut out cut and inch below it so there is a little of the card showing to grab. Know that you have the slot cut out grab your tape and tape it to the middle fold of the wallet. If u want more slots cut the plastic a little shorter than the previous slot[s] and tape it down on the previous slot. Make sure the bottom of the new slot is level with the bottom of the wallet.
Its Finished
Congrats you made a at a glance wallet!!!!