Attempted Smiling Face

For this project I made an attempted smiling face but some lights would not work or dime. But I got a piece of foam board and put some lights in and and solder them the a wire then ran the the battery pack. I thought it would be something cool to make.

For the lights I used 5mm LED RoHs c/v: 20m A 2.2V
A switch
3v battery
300v fti wire
wire strippers
solder and solder wire
needle nose pliers
hot glue gun

1.)I cut a peace of foam out
2.)I pocked my lights though the foam
3.)I measure the wire then cut it to length a positive and a negative
4.)cut a little peace of sheet off the wire to hook my lights to
5.)Solder my wire to the battery pack then cut the wire in the middle from your last light and the battery is then solder in a switch