Auto Loading Knex Gun/Pistol With 9 Round Magazine, by Bannana Inventor.
by bannana inventor in Living > LEGO & K'NEX
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Auto Loading Knex Gun/Pistol With 9 Round Magazine, by Bannana Inventor.

This is a cock-shoot style knex pistol wth a 9 round magazine. The magazine is jam free, and fires gray single connectors. ENJOY :D
Building the Handle.

Build and connect the handle as shown.
Building the Magazine

Build and connect the magazine a shown. You can make the mag as long as you want it. This one, as I said, holds 9 rounds. NOTE: The far left object in the left picture is the mag ram, you will not need that until later.
Building the Barrel.

Build the barrel as shown. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO WHICH SIDE IS WHICH. They are both different.

Finally connect everything.
Finishing Up.

Slid in the two rams. I forgot to get a pic of the firing ram. It's just a yellow connector on a gray rod. Now just attach the rubber bands and you are done!!!
Thanks for building my gun, and don't forget to check out some of my other stuff. :D
Thanks for building my gun, and don't forget to check out some of my other stuff. :D