Automatic Medicine Dispenser (DailyDose)
by Lia77 in Circuits > Raspberry Pi
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Automatic Medicine Dispenser (DailyDose)

For college we are required to make a small, usable project utilizing everything we have learned this year. I made an automated daily medicine dispenser since I personally can make use of this.
In this instructable I will go trough all the steps I took to make this dispenser.
Firstly we need to go over all the supplies this project needs. I have attached a file with all the electronic components and everything I bought for the exterior.
There are 2 normal buttons, one for dispensing the medication and another to confirm the user took it. There is also a power button to shut the whole box off. With our distance sensor we also check if there is a cup to catch the pills. Lastly the dispense button will only work of we log in with our badge with the RFID reader.
Put Together All the Electronics

I made a fritzing scheme that shows how each component should be wired.
I started with soldering anything that needed it like my buttons, LED strip and some other components. Then I wire1 component at a time until they're all done. Now I can put all of this in my case.
Build a Case

I made a simple box for this dispenser. I started with some blueprints I drew on paper in a rough 1:1 scale. Next I cut out each piece of wood, cutting some holes for the components.
Next I put everything together using wood glue and nails, when everything was done I sanded the wood to make it smooth.
I also made a simple interior pill box from a paper bowl and some other recycled items from around my home. The centre of this pill box will be moved with our motor to dispense each dose.
Lastly I spray painted the dispenser black to mask any imperfections in the wood from building it.
Add the Code

All the code for this project is available on GitHub with this link.