B Is for Bunny

What a fun craft for all preschoolers to try! Watch as we take you step by step to make an enjoyable little something with your special little kiddos! Adult supervision is needed when using scissors.
Supplies you will need is cotton balls, sharpie, red marker, goggly eyes, glues and scissors.

Everything you need is pictured. Thought this would be easier for your little ones to find everything!
Making Your Bunny

Grab a piece of paper and start putting glue in a straight line. As you go add cotton balls to the spots you put your glue. keep going until you have fully gotten your B shape. Dont forget to add a little tail for your bunny!
Bunnies Face

Next, now you create you bunnies face. Start by placing your goggly eyes. Then start drawing your mouth and nose with red. Finally add whiskers with your black sharpie.
Bunnies Ears

Grab your last 2 pieces of paper to make your ears. Cut you shapes out and then glue them together like pictured. You can add you ears to the rest of your bunny. Your done, Congrats! We hope you love it as much as we do.