Baby Walking Belt

This device helps adults to hold and support their infants without bending their backs. It also functions to minimize back strain on the child caregiver by eliminating back bending when holding a child who is a significantly different height. I made if because my nephew is just in this age and he wants (tries) to walk all the time. This is causing back problem that can be avoided using the baby walking belt. It is easy to make but it's necessary and important .

The baby walking belt is made of two sporty belts that i had.Here are the materials that i used
- wider belt - it is soft and goes around the baby
-smaller belt - i used it for the shoulder-straps, fastener and the handle
- buckle
- black thread
- scissors
- wider belt - it is soft and goes around the baby
-smaller belt - i used it for the shoulder-straps, fastener and the handle
- buckle
- black thread
- scissors

The first thing i had to do is removing the belt buckles. Than i cut two pieces of the small belt to make the fastening part of the device by sewing them to the wider belt . I bent the wider belt in two to find the middle and than to decide how big should the "ring " that the baby is suppose to be, be. Than i sew the new buckle that can be tighten up.
The Shoulder Straps

After that i started to make the shoulder- straps. i measured them to be about 30 cm. This was just enough not to be too tight or too loose. I bent the wider belt again to find the middle and sew the first end of the strap about 2 cm from it. The other end i sew on the opposite side of the belt, just before the fastening part. The same way i done with the other shoulder strap, forming a "x" when you look from above.
The Handle

As the black belt was too wide and not comfortable to hold i used part of the small belt to make a handle
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