Back Pack Organizer

I made a Back Pack Organizer that can pull out of somebody's backpack. I made this for my sister who I realized a big problem with keeping her papers organized.

I used cardboard, wood, 1-2 drawers sliders, a backpack, and a Glowforge laser cutter. The websites I used for this were Tinkercad, Glowforge,
Tinkercad Diagram

For my first step in making my backpack organizer I made a quick diagram in Tinkercad (a website that lets you make 3D diagrams on a 3D plane). To make this diagram you have to first go into Tinkercad and create a 11x10x4in rectangle. Then create a 4 more rectangles 10x9x.5 and make them holes. Next put the rectangles evenly spaced inside the big rectangle and finally grab 2 wheels from the shapes and put them on the bottom of either side of the rectangle .
Prototype 2

In this step I made a few key changes first off I actually built it and second off i found a way to input a way for the organizer to go in and out of the backpack. To make this step you have to cut 5 pieces of cardboard with your Glowforge laser cutter. Two pieces into a 11x10in square, another two pieces into a 11x4in square, and one piece into a 10x4in square. All of these pieces should have teeth so they fit together. You can make these pieces in maker case and import them to the Glowforge website to laser cut them. The setting for the Glowforge should be 200 speed and 60 power but it may vary. Once you have all you pieces hot glue gun them together so they make a box. Once you have your box you are going to make sure it fits your back pack then you are going to glue the drawer slider(s) to the box and then to your backpack.

For the third and final step in this backpack organizer you are just going to follow the same procedure that you used in the second step but instead of cutting cardboard you are going to use wood or a very sturdy cardboard like I used. This requires new setting on the Glowforge which are 100 speed and 120 power. I also added dividers to the middle of the box.