Backpack EDC

For those who do not know what EDC is, It stands for Every Day Carry. Not to be confused with Concealed Carry though for some folks that is also part of their EDC.
Every day carry are simply things you need on hand on a daily basis. This for most is wallet cellphone and keys.
For some this also includes things is lotion and lip balm for others it can be handkerchief/bandanna and cellphone charger cord an plug.
You will probably find many a website that will want to sell you an every day carry kit, Even thought it is very subjective and intuitive when you put your mind to it.. I know I can not say exactly what you yourself will need. Only one person can do that and that isn't me. So instead I will briefly go into it here by showing you what is in mine. At this time I will also note this is part get home bag as I am mainly a bicycle and bus rider. If the SHTF and buses are a stand still and I am out in the world. I am on my own and it is up to me to get home safe to my family.
What You Will Need

What you will need.
A good sized backpack
(I will also show what to do if you do not have a back pack with a lot of compartments like mine)
You need to look at what you need on a daily basis.
- Power bank: On top of a cord ,wall charger combo.
- Flash light: can not count the times that has come in handy from needed to look for something dropped in a movie theater to helping someone with car problems.
- Pocket knife/multi-tool: I carry both. I must stress think of when you are going and check your local laws about where you can take these and where you cant. Colleges may allow them but other places of education might not. Leaving things in the trunk of your car can be an option but lacking that... try to plan ahead.
- Sewing kit: safety pins, about 3 different sized needles, thread of a few colors one of them should be heavy nylon *Nylon it is very strong, only cut with something like nippers or clippers or do NOT use your hands you will hurt yourself* , thread nippers or scissors, buttons. To hold it I used a leather pouch but you can use an tin from some breath mints just as easily.
- First aid kit: NSAID(Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ) and or acetaminophen, medical gloves, adhesive bandages of a few types *Fingertip, knuckle, strips and bigger patches* , Sports tape, dental floss, gauze pads/roll, eye drops,alcohol prep pads.
- Handkerchief/bandanna and facial tissues, A roll of toilet paper with only about 25% full
- Hygiene products (i.e. tooth paste,Single use mouth wash and so forth) .
- Notepad and pen.
- Comb/hairbrush.
- A compact raincoat/poncho: If you live in a live in a rain prone environment.
- Compact umbrella: It is nice in rain or shine, it is nice if you are walking a lot.
Get Home Bag Expansion

Now we get into what one can keep in addition to that, as a Get home bag.
- Good but not large amount of cash: at least 30$ Hidden within the bag someplace only you know about or in something that only you know it will be in (like a lip balm tube). Some place it can not be seen when you open it or look through things. Cash can be king when the power goes out, at that point debit cards and such are all but useless,
- N95 respirators: keep your lungs healthy in dusty and windy conditions also good for when you may encounter people in close quarters *like the bus* that sound like they have a cold.
- Empty, refillable, sealing beverage container. Or water bladder for backpacks that can store them. Check your pack some come with a space for them even if they do not come with one.
- Disposable and refillable lighters: they are good to have even if you do not smoke.
- Binoculars: See what or who is coming.
- Road atlas: Of your normally traveled area. GPS is not always going to be available. Long Dead end streets and maze like neighborhoods are not your friend when you do not know where you are. They are 10X as bad when on foot. It helps to keep it in a large, heavy gauge plastic bag. In case of rain or something in your pack leaking. The bag also keeps your compass with it.
- Compass: To guide in your use of your atlas.
- Gloves: I have Vinyl in my first aid kit and and mechanics gloves elsewhere. They are nice to keep your hands safe from bio-hazards and protecting your hands in general.
How to Organize;:

This should be tailored to fit your needs.
If you find your self hardly reaching for something move it to the bottom/back or just out of your way. Use something more move it to the easy reach.
Your first aid kit (if you choose to have one) should have it's own compartment and easy to reach. It is easier if it is a smaller bag it can be bright colored or not but no mater the color it helps to have dividers. Like the blue one I have here in photo displayed earlier.
Your handkerchiefs and tissues should come next in availability.
Flashlight should be in an easy to find and reach pocket. If there is only three pockets this should be in a small one to the side. Hint: If you can find it with your eyes closed, you are on the right track.
Respirator should be in easy reach too.
If You Have Limited Pockets.

I bet you are thinking that is all well and good .... if you have a massive multi layered tactical pack. What about everyone else? Well there are ways to do this without having a place for everything already set out for you.
the things you reach for most should go in the outer pockets for the most part. the rest can go in something smaller. I personally use Dopp bag. Originally made for US military abroad.The name derives from the early 20th century leather craftsman Charles Doppelt, whose company designed the case in 1926. They were packed full of toiletries and other small grooming comforts from home. I have found the size to be perfect for holding a lot of stuff in a very minimal space and keeping them relatively organized I fit most of what was not the map and first aid kit and water container in mine with quite a bit of room to spare.
The one shown is an AlpineSwiss brand kit. I got it off of amazon for 10$ but you can find them at thrift stores or around the holidays for less.
That's All Folks!
The point of EDC is to make your life a little easier.
When you go somewhere you do not have to buy something extra or try to make due with that you have, because what you need is at home. Or hurting for something that is not in reach at all, due to circumstances beyond your current control.
Most everything in the the things that i have shown and mentioned have saved my butt, as well as other peoples, more than a few times. That is why I made this Instructable. Not everything listed within is stuff everyone will need. Keeping it fluid, adaptive with lots of customization keeps it not only helpful but fun.
I hope you enjoyed this Instructable and thank you for giving it a read. Keep it creative my friends,till next time.
P.S: I am always curious to what everyone has in their everyday carry so feel free to share in the comments!