Barbie Doll Feather Duster

One of those things you never knew you always wanted. This freaky feather duster could be great for getting kids to clean. Or it might just give them nightmares.

- 1 Doll
- Feathers (a 14gm package of colored turkey feathers seemed to work well)
- Scissors
- Tweezers
- Bamboo Skewer

Before you begin, prep your feathers by clipping away some of the barbs that are at the bottom.
Then, cut the quill of each feather at an angle to create a pointy tip.
Off With Her Head!

- Using your thumb and index finger, squeeze the doll’s head.
- While rocking the head left to right, gently pull it away from the body.
- The head should easily pop off from the little plastic pin that’s inside the neck.
If the head isn't coming off just keep pushing it to one side and break the little plastic bit that's in the neck. When it comes time to put the head back on, just use glue to secure it.
Haircut From Hell

Channel your inner hair stylist and use scissors to cut the hair as short as you can.
Barbie will hate her new haircut and she'll beg you to fix it. Tell her not to worry, you have something great planned.

Use tweezers to remove the rest of the hair.
Put the tweezers in the head, grab whatever hair you can and yank it out.
Keep going until all of the hair has been removed.
The New Look

For Barbie’s new look, you’ll be going for Las Vegas Showgirl. That means lots of feathers.
To add feathers:
- Squeeze head.
- Choose hole.
- Insert skewer into hole.
- Remove skewer from hole.
- Insert feather into hole.
- Push feather in a bit (1/8 inch).
- Stop squeezing and the feather should be secured in place.
Repeat this process for each feather. Start inserting the feathers at the center of the crown and move outward, in all directions until the entire head is complete. You don't have to fill every hole with a feather. If holes are too close together, like at the hairline, the skip some and do every other one or every fourth one instead.
When you’re finished adding feathers, just push the head down onto the neck pin to reattach it to the body. Your feather duster is complete, have fun cleaning!