Basketball Arcade Game

I have made arcade inspired Basketball game. In this game you use a catapult and fling balls into a hoop.
For this project I used a...
- Desktop Computer
- Fusion 360
- Inscape
- Laser cutter
- 3d Printer

You need a good case for the game to work. I used Inkscape to make a wooden case for the catapult and hoop to sit on. The image above is the designs that I made.
Fusion 360 Catapult

Using the designs above I was able to make a functional catapult. The Catapult is made of 6 parts. 2 supporting arms, 2 side walls, 1 arm, and 1 top connecting rod. Once the parts are printed you can put a rubber band around the arm and side walls. Then you are ready to play.
Fusion 360 Hoop

With out a hoop how are you supposed to play? I made a basketball hoop in Fusion 360 that can latch onto the back of the case and allows you to hit the back board when shooting.
Problems I Faced
The main problem I faced was not getting the measurements right the first time. Not all of the parts for the catapult fit well together. This lead to me having to sand some things down.
Final Product

When everything is finished you will have a case with back board. A catapult that can launch a ball and a case with a hoop.
Things I Learnd
I learned many things while working on this project. The main thing I learned is how to use Fusion 360. Another thing I learned was how important measurements are. With out the correct measurements I had to sand some parts down for them to fit.
All Done
Overall this project was really fun to work on. I got to learn how to use a new software and got to make a game with it.