Bass Fishing Tips


Either a push button or spinner reel
Jigs, lures, flies, live bait, frogs, etc.
Hand line fishing can also be used for bass
Personally, I think jigging for bass is very effective
Frogs are also very effective
Crickets (fake) are awesome
Jigs, lures, flies, live bait, frogs, etc.
Hand line fishing can also be used for bass
Personally, I think jigging for bass is very effective
Frogs are also very effective
Crickets (fake) are awesome

Look for lilly pads, rocks, sticks/trees, or in a shady spot, also under docks
Bass can bite when you are least expecting, one time I caught a bass when I had my line in the water as i was rowing
Bass can be strong, so don't be mad if your line breaks
Jigging is great for shallow waters
Bass can be strong, so don't be mad if your line breaks
Jigging is great for shallow waters