Bayonet Box

I made a bayonet box. This box can open and close by twisting the lid to lock the lid in to close or open the lid by twisting and pulling it out. This will keep objects inside the box without anything falling out. I made this for my whole family so we can keep whatever we decide to put it in the box.
2.12x12 wood panel
3.Laser cutting machine
We used these supplies to create our boxes. This was a long process to make because we had to make sure all the settings for the website was correct. If it wasn't correct it could make a big error in the laser cutting portion and not get the right dimensions.
Creating the Box in

In this step, I started by picking out what box would be best to cut out. After that I figured out the right width and radius for the box. After that, I generated the outlined into a blank document to I could go into the next process to cut out the box. I did have an error with my original box I was going to make but, that design had a bug in it and would not cut out the way I wanted it too.
Putting the Box Into

This was a very simple step, because we didn't need to do that much to do. In we only had to generate the outline of the whole box to put the space into I had to do this step twice because for my box you had to generate the sides and bottom of the box then create the same thing for the lid.
Import Box Into Fslaser to Begin Project

When I imported the box into this website I then made sure the dimensions were still going to fit on the piece of wood we were going to use when we would cut. I would then started to decide on what theme I should do for my box, it did take me a while to figure that part out because I didn't know what I should do. I then realized I could make this box for my whole family so I made a theme that would be good for all of my family.
Put Theme on Sides of the Box

This theme was pretty easy to decide and make because my family all likes different NFL teams so I thought I put all of the teams on there that everyone likes. The important thing is to put the pictures on there you had to make sure the picture was PNG or it would not download into your files. After you downloaded that picture you would import it into Then I would paste and fit the picture onto a certain piece so the NFL team could get printed out.
Fix Settings to Cut Out Pieces of the Box

In this step, was one of the most important parts because you don't want to realize you messed up and then waste a area of wood. For me I think one important step was to make sure you are using the right power and speed to cut out the wood in the laser cutting machine. Before we cut out our boxes we had a person check our settings to make sure they were all right. Then we would take a flash drive and export the file into that then import that file into a different computer so we could begin cutting.
Cut Out the Box With a Laser
Once I got all the pieces cut out of my piece of 12x12 wood, I first put the whole box together to make sure all of the finger joints connected with each other. After that, I taped half of the box together then took wood glue to the bottom and the corners to keep the pieces together. I then put the other half of the box together the same way and glued all of it as one. In conclusion, I finally glued the couple objects so I could put the lid on top and it now is together and working the way it is supposed to be made.