Bean Can Boombox

doesn't everyone need a bean can boombox.
Tools and Supply's

I have made a list of the tools and supply's you will need to make the boombox
- extra wire
- wire strippers
- bolts/nuts
- zip ties (optional)
- speakers that work
- one male audio end
- a can the size of your speakers
- hammer/nails
- or a drill/drill bit
- a soldering gun/ pencil
- and solder
- and other assorted tools
Make Sound Holes and Mount Speakers

You will need to use ether a nail and a hammer or a drill to make the holes for the sound to escape.
I used a hammer and a nail before i realized there was a drill in the house.
You will also need to make the holes for the bolts the hold the speakers to go.
Make Sound Holes and Mount Speakers on the Lid.

For making the sound holes on the like i first use a nail and hammer.
But then i decided a candle and a hot nail would be fast and easier.
I used zip ties to secure the speaker to the lid mainly because i didn't have anymore nuts and bolts
Solder Up!

for this step you will need to use some extra wire and solder it to the speakers.

And now your ready to crank out to your jams annoying everyone in you path.
And as i always say if you have any ideas of things you would like to see made please tell me in the comments.