Beef Dripping Lard Rendering Animal Fat Washing With Water Spray to Clarifiy / Clean It.

by AndrewKFletcher in Cooking > Main Course

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Beef Dripping Lard Rendering Animal Fat Washing With Water Spray to Clarifiy / Clean It.

Beef Dripping Lard Rendering animal fat washing with water spray to clarifiy / clean it.

This video shows a simple method of cleaning rendered animal fats. Why Moving away from cooking oils is smart. I melt / render beef dripping / suet / lard fat and show how water is used to cleanse it. Watch out for the fail :)
When I was a child, chips and fish were fried in beef dripping or pork lard, the taste was amazing. Recently we have re-discovered the delight of cooking with rendered animal fats. I used to love dunking bread in the Sunday roast and eating the hot dripping soaked crust. Dripping on toast with all that yummy jelly, and I was never fat!

The strangest thing is, that obesity in those days was very uncommon. Today obesity and diet go hand in mouth. Research, if we can believe it, tells us that excess fat stored in our body is causing many cancers and I believe it is those plastics, sorry processed vegetable oils in imitation butter / margarines and deep fat frier's and a massive range of cakes, biscuits, breads, sweets, and other products that the blame should be placed, along with the fast food chains that smother their customers insides with it.

Today we blame the customer and try to penalise them for eating this processed food, that is served to them, wrapped in even more plastics.

The story going around about a burger and fries on a garage window sill for over a year, without any evidence of bacteria or mould breaking it down should tell us all we need to know.

We were spun a huge lie about the introduction of safe fats, when in reality, the natural animal fats that we used to eat clearly were the safer option.

Bon appetite

Free Animal Fat

Tripe cutting.JPG

Pork lard and beef dripping are very east to make.

Ask your butcher to save the fat for you, or you can ask a local abattoir to let you have some. It is usually free and costs money to dispose of it.

Cut the fat up into small pieces and using a large stock pot, fill 3/4 from top with raw beef fat or pork belly fat with rind on.
Place on small gas burner or electrical equivalent.

The fat renders down on a low heat, take care not to have the heat too high and use a stock pot that is suitable for your stove. Some induction cookers require certain types of pots and pans.

Fat contains a fair amount of water which should evaporate while rendering the fat. This should be obvious when the fat level in the stock pot drops down to half full. But there will inevitably be some water left on the bottom of the pan when the process is completed.

Pork lard from belly fat leaves us with a nice side serving of crackling / scratchings, which are cooked to a golden brown in a frying pan and sprinkled with seasoning, including rosemary, garlic black pepper and sea salt or Himalayan red salt. (your choice)

The remaining fat is then separated from the solids using a strainer and kitchen towels as a filter and allowed to cool for around 5 minutes in a large pot / stainless steel bowl.

While still hot, cold water is sprayed repeatedly onto the cooling fat to cleanse it from impurities left from the rendering process.

The water droplets grab sediment and take it down through the fat to the bottom of the pan.

Once the fat / lard / dripping has cooled it becomes the familiar white blocks that our families and indeed our ancestors cooked food with.

Heat the pan for a few seconds until the fat block rotates freely when turned with your hand.

Now we need to invert the pan / bowel to release our fat, but remember the water we sprayed and any residual water from the rendering process will be on the bottom of the pan, so make sure you release it in an area where you won't make a mess, such as in a sink or washing up bowl.

Once released you are left with clean beef dripping or lard in a large cake shape. Using a large knife, shave off the remaining sediment from the sides and bottom of the fat cake.

Cut into portions and freeze for use in future recipes.

Canola / vegetable oils are promoted as the healthy option for our diet. But are they? Is it these oils that are causing the increases in cancer?

Chips and fish fried in dripping or lard are absolutely gorgeous. Their taste takes us right back to our childhood, where vegetable oils were something the foreigners smothered over their foods and butter ruled over margarines-which apparently are one molecule off being plastic.

Bon appetite

Andrew K Fletcher