Beer Can Pendulum Art

I had seen some You Tube clips on pendulum art so for this Instructables painting challenge I thought I would give it a go.
I did it in a local park as I thought this would enable me to find a tree and swing an empty beer can full of paint from one of it's branchs. To get the string over the branch I attached a piece of cotton to a small drone and flew it over. I then attached string to the cotton and pulled it over the branch. This string was strong enough to hold the can. The main disadvantage of using a park was there was some wind and this was a bit of a hassle as the ground sheet would blow around a bit.
White paint (I used some ceiling paint but if you have some left over from a previous job, use that)
Empty beer can
Some coloured card to be painted
Ground sheet.
Weight, taped to the can.
Nail and hammer.
Giving It a Go

The approach taken was:
- Get the string over the branch.
- Attach a weighted empty beer can.
- Check it will swing O.K.
- Punch a hole in the bottom of the can with a nail and hammer, then tape the hole.
- Fill the beer can with white paint.
- Reconnect to the string, remove the tape and swing it.
Getting the String Over the Branch

A piece of cotton was attached to a small drone and flown over the branch, turned out I hadn't made the cotton long enough so more was added and and the drone flown over again, skillfully landing in a plant.
Once the cotton and drone was over, string was attached to the cotton and pulled over.
A weighted can was attached to the string and tested that it would swing O.K.
Painting With a Beer Can

A hole was punched into the bottom of the beer can and then taped.
White paint was poured though a small funnel (previously made from a beer can) until almost full.
The can was attached back on to the string, tape removed and given a swing.
The paint pouring from the hole made a series of arcs of paint onto the cardboard below.