Bicycle Porta Party

So, we lit our bicycle. Bicycle LED Lights
Decorated our bikes. My Pedal Pony: a Costume for your Bike
And we built our bicycle trailer. Bicycle Trailer - Yakima CaddyYak Hack
Then we lit the trailer. Bicycle Trailer LED Lights
We needed sound, so we built the Ka-Boom Box.
BoomBox - Inexpensive and Easy to Build
And we strapped all of our accessories on our bike.
No-Slip Bicycle Accessory Hack
Custom Bicycle Tire Valve Caps
What's next?
A Bicycle Porta-Party!
Items Needed:
- Bicycle
- Bicycle Trailer
- Ka-Boom Box
- Cooler
- Ice
- Beverages
- Snacks
- Bottle opener
- Cups
- Recycle Station
- Secret Stash Box - Colorado residents will understand
- Batteries - Lots of batteries
- Friends - The more the merrier
- Gang Affiliation
- A Theme
- Tube repair kit and air pump
Tools Needed:
- Bungee Cords
- Zip-ties
- A Great Playlist
- Trash Bag for your recyclables
Bicycle Cruiser Questions and Do's and Don'ts

If you followed all of the Instructables I posted in the forward, you are more than prepared. On the next page, I will provide an awesome soundtrack to fully compliment your Cruiser Ride.
Q & A
Cruiser Ride? Yes, Cruiser Ride. It's like a motorcycle gang only on beach cruisers. We meet, ride, dance party, ride, hit the pub (or a friend's house on the route), ride and then make our way home. It's pretty basic fun.
How do you find a Cruiser Ride? Good question. I would first ask friends who enjoy riding bikes. I would also mosey over to your local bike shop and ask them. Another great resource is facebook. Type in your neighborhood and place the word "Cruiser" behind it. Also check neighborhoods that are close to you. Another source is the New Belgium Fat Tire Ride, Tour de Fat, they are tons of fun.
Do I have to ride a beach cruiser? Short answer - NO. You can ride any bike you have at your disposal. Cruisers are great because the ride is pretty slow paced, cruisers are comfortable and you might get bored on your 64 speed street bike.
Do I have to drink a beer? No, I only brought enough for myself. Just kidding, I brought a few extra beverages. I had a whole cooler to fill. Here, have a soda.
Why do you have a Boom Box? At the pace we ride, it's great to have some tunes for everyone to listen to. We generally stop at some part of our ride and have a dance party. Every ride is different.
What do you mean "gang affiliation"? That's kind of a joke. I do have my Denver Cruisers and Tour de Fat bicycle license plates though.
What's a theme? Some of the cruiser rides I ride with like to choose themes. Themes are usually centered around costumes or holidays. I could give you some suggestions, but it's more fun creating your own ideas.
Do's And Dont's
- Don't ride with an open container.
- Do obey traffic laws.
- Don't fight with other bicycle gangs.
- Do tip your server well.
- Don't be a "darktard".
- Do light your bike very well.
- Don't throw litter on the ground.
- Do plan your trip ahead of time.
- Don't be disrespectful to the neighborhood.
- Do bring a tube repair kit and an air pump.
- Don't let the bastards grind you down.
- Do wear comfortable clothing that won't get stuck in your chain.
- Don't wreck into your friends or parked cars.
- Do have your dance party on a tennis or basket ball court after dark, no one is playing anyway.
- Don't die in the circle of death.
Music Playlist for Your Bicycle Porta-Party

I like to create playlists for our Cruiser Rides. We belong to several great groups who usually think up great themes for our rides. Once a theme has been picked, I create a playlist to compliment the ride. I do my best to fill at least an hours worth of time and add a great dj set or two, just in case. A dance party almost always breaks out at a scheduled stop.
Here is my default bicycle themed playlist:
- Danny Elfman - Stolen Bike from Pee Wee's Big Adventure
Madness - Riding on my bike
The Bicycle Song - David Rovics