Bicycle Pump Holder

PVC air pump holder, on the frame, instead of the usual bottle cage!

PVC pipe
2 5mm flat head screws
Angle grinder
Sand paper
Cutting to Length

Measure the length of the middle part, which in my case, is the same as the axle inside the pump. (the one pushing the piston).
Cut the tubing accordingly.
Fit to Pump Shape

Dismentle pump, insert PVC tube.
Pens and pins to transcribe profile of both ends of the pump.
Grind to shape. (I would suggest to remove small chunks at once, checking fitment, removing a bit more, checking...)
Holes and Slot

I did sand it a bit (not really looking for perfect finish, as it was an afternoon project), before drilling the holes, and cutting the slot.
Once it was all done, and checked for fitment, I sanded it again, meanly to clear some of the rough edges.
As you can see I switched screws from BTR (original heads) to flatter head ones, so that it would not take so much space inside the tube!
Tightening the inside diameter, but not so much that the pump won't fit anymore.
The Way It Works

Now that it is installed, you just have to fully extend the air pump, to reveal the full length of the axle that holds the piston inside.
Due to its smaller diameter, it slides into the slot.
Then you simply slide the top part into the pvc pipe, while pushing the air out.
The initial perfect fit between the pipe and the middle part of the pump, isn't perfect anymore because of the screw's heads. Which is the effect intended!
This way, the pump is tightly fitted, and the small extension of the pipe makes the pump very secured.
(Did some miles onto rough roads, dirt and gravel tracks, and some wheelies...nothing went loose)
Finish Product

It could have been slightly neater, better looking in the end!
But keep in mind that it was a one shot, one afternoon project, whose main purpose was to solve a bicycle pump carrying problem! ;)
Thanks for reading!
Hope you like it, and have ideas to improve it!